Program AUTO # # # Build as : #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~ RAT AUTO.RAT >AUTO.FTN ~ #~ FOR/F4P AUTO/LIST ~ #~ LINK/NOCHEC/F4P/LAB AUTO ~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # AUTO interactively screens data from an auto-analyser instrument # and using peak scanning routines (PEAK), an analysis of elemental # concentrations is made. # # AUTO allows for multiple background readings to be taken throughout # the sample run, without the need of re-measuring standards. Results # displayed on the VDU are calculated using the first measured background # readings, but those displayed on the printer use a linear, least squares # evaluation of all backgrounds entered during the course of the # run. # # AUTO allows parallel input from the VDU and the the Analog recorder. This # strategy allows commands to be entered while a sample run is in progress. # Unfortunately FORTRAN does not normally allow this, so a MACRO subroutine # called FORIO was written to queue a VDU read with interrupts set. # This procedure prevents normal FORTRAN I/O to the VDU. # In order to use fortran read or writes to the VDU, the FORIO read # must be killed (call forio('K',rbuf,nchar,rflg). # # Two start options can be given either via the parameter starting # mechanism or via keyboard prompt. # They are : # # /rej Reject peaks below deignated value # /sim For simulated input (64 word blocks) of raw A/D data # /isw Switch on diagnostics (only when /sim) # /rec For crash recovery. In this case, the file 'AUTO.DAT' # is opened , the header information read and positoned # to the rear of file. Standards do not have to be re-read # as the previous calibration factor is used. # /dmp Dump data blocks into file auto.dmp # # A recovery file 'auto.dat' is created 'on the fly'. Its format is : # # Header record 1 # --------------- # 5A2 Unit of measure # F10.5 Calibration factor # F7.0 First background reading # I2 Replication of samples # F10.0 Start time (secs) # 8I1 Channel map # F6.4 Corr. Coeff. # I8 Peak height top standard # I8 Peak height bot standard # I8 Peak height of reject sample # # Data records # ------------ # A2 Data type ('BA'- background, 'SA'- sample, 'EN'- end record) # ('RA'- Out of Range warning, 'ST'- Standard ) # ('RS'- Start repelication Sequence.) # F6.0 Position of peak # F7.0 Total height of peak # # # logical start,stds,end,pause,eof,backf,bgflg,sim,rec,dmp,rflg,isw logical lfst,rej,seq,rejflg byte fn(20),idat(9),icr integer in(64),units(5),nostds(10),chn(8),mcr(2),pcmd(7),rbuf(40) real valstd(10),back(10),backx(10),peastd(50),stdx(50),val1(10),val2(10) real pst(50) common /abuf/ibuf(1040) data mcr/3RMCR,3R.../,icr/13/ data pcmd/'pr','i ','= ','au','to','.p','rt'/ data backf/.false./,ibel/7/,sim/.false./,rec/.false./,dmp/.false./ data start/.false./,stds/.true./,end/.false./,eof/.false./,pause/.false./ data rflg/.false./,rej/.false./,rejflg/.false./ # write (5,('0 ** START OF PROGRAM AUTO **'//)) # call getops(sim,rec,dmp,isw,rej) if (.not.(isw.and.sim)) isw=.false. if (rej) rejflg=.true. # stime=secnds(0.) # if (dmp) open (unit=3,name='auto.dmp',form='UNFORMATTED') # # if (sim) # Simulating input ? { write(5,('$Enter the simulation filename ->')) read(5,(20a1))fn fn(20)=0 open(unit=1,name=fn,type='OLD',form='UNFORMATTED',readonly) write(5,('$Enter the sampling time ->')) read(5,(f7.4))time ithrsh=.33/time } # # if (rec) # Crash recovery ? { open (unit=2,name='auto.dat',type='OLD') read (2,(1x,5a2,f10.5,f7.0,i2,f10.0,8i1,f6.4,3i8))_ units,fac,back(1),nosams,stime,chn,corr,itop,ibot,irejpk close (unit=2) call labini (1,chn,ist) call labwt (idum,time,ibn) if ( { write (5,('0Sampling time TOO SLOW')) write (5,(' Type "LAB SET .03" to achieve at least 30sps')) write (5,('0 !!! AUTO ABORT !!!',a1,/))ibel call exit (133) } write (5,('0Recovery done - waiting on next sample',a1,/))ibel stds=.false. ihl=0 itop=0 ibot=5000 irejpk=0 ibacn=1 ithrsh=.33/time } else { # # Question Time # write(5,('0Start of the AUTO-ANALYSER program'//)) write(5,('$Enter the unit of measure (e.g. %,mg,ppm) ->')) read(5,(5a2))units write(5,('0Enter the replication and value of standards')) write(5,(' Examples:')) write(5,(' 3,10 Implies 3 standards at value 10')) write(5,(' 3,22.5 Implies 3 standards at value 22.5')) write(5,(' 0,0 Finished entering standards'/)) nost=0 do i=1,10 { write(5,('$->')) read(5,*)nostds(i),valstd(i) if(nostds(i).eq.0)break } # # Split standards into individual arrays # for ({i=1;j=1};valstd(i).ne.0.;i=i+1) { do k=1,nostds(i) { stdx(j)=valstd(i) j=j+1 } } nstds=j-1 no1=nstds write(5,('$Enter the replication of samples ->')) read(5,*)nosams write(5,('$Enter computer channel number ->')) read(5,*)chn(1) ichn=chn(1) # # # Start reading background # write(5,('0When the chart is reading background')) repeat { write(5,(' enter the BA command',/)) write (5,('$AUTO>')) read(5,(a2))icmd call cnvtuc(2,icmd) if('BA') write(5,(' ** Invalid Command',a1))ibel } until (icmd.eq.'BA') start=.false. end=.false. pause=.false. ihl=0 itop=0 ibot=5000 ibacn=1 # # Initialilize the LAB unit # and wait for background # if (sim) { ifst=input(in) ba=0. do i=1,32 ; ba=ba+in(i) back(1)=ba/32. } else { call labini(1,chn,ist) if( { write(5,('0Error ',i4,' from labini - ABORT !'))ist call exit(255) } write (5,('0Please Wait')) call labwt(idum,time,ibn) if ( { write (5,('0Sampling time TOO SLOW')) write (5,(' Type "LAB SET .03" to achieve at least 30sps')) write (5,('0 !!! AUTO ABORT !!!',a1,/))ibel call exit (133) } ithrsh=.33/time call labwt(idum,time,ibn) #Make sure of complete buffer # call backg(ichn,ibn,bck) x=secnds(stime) x=x-16.*time backx(1)=x back(1)=bck write (5,('0Background has been recorded',a1))ibel } # if(rej) write(5,('0Waiting for REJECT peak',A1,/))ibel else write (5,('0Starting Data Collection'/)) # } # # Wait for data or peak # if (.not.sim) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) # Post read on TI: # repeat { if(.not.sim) { do i=1,64 ;in(i)=0 while (pause) { start=.false. if (end) break 2 if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) write(5,('0!!paused!!',a1,/))ibel call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) while (rflg) { do i=1,10 { if(.not.rflg) break 2 call labwt(idum,time,idn) } if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) write(5,('+!! paused!!',a1))ibel call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) } call cmd(rbuf,pause,end,seq,bgflg,rflg) } ict=0 do i=1,32 { call labwt(idum,time,ibn) if (.not.rflg) { call cmd(rbuf,pause,end,seq,bgflg,rflg) if (.not.(pause.or.backf.or.bgflg)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) } if (seq) { open (unit=2,name='auto.dat',type='OLD',access='APPEND') write(2,(' RS',f6.0,f7.0))xdum,ydum close (unit=2) seq=.false. break } if(end.or.pause) break if (backf) { call backg(ichn,ibn,bck) x=secnds(stime) x=x-16.*time backx(ibacn)=x back(ibacn)=bck if ( { # # Record backgrounds on file # open (unit=2,name='auto.dat',type='OLD',access='APPEND') write (2,(' BA',f6.0,f7.0))x,bck close (unit=2) } if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,,,,rflg) write (5,('0Background has been recorded',a1,/))ibel call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) backf=.false. } if (bgflg) { # # Background requested - clean up current buffer # and return later # ibacn=ibacn+1 if ( { write (5,('0** Limit of 10 background readings exceeded')) write (5,('0 Value ignored !',a1))ibel } else { if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,,,,rflg) write (5,('0Start of background - please wait')) backf=.true. bgflg=.false. } bgflg=.false. } # # Average 16 samples and # Pack the buffer # j=ibn*260+5+ichn do ii=1,2 { xac=0. do jj=1,16 { xac=xac+ibuf(j) j=j+8 } ict=ict+1 in(ict)=xac/16. } } if(dmp) write(3)in } else { if(start) { inpt=input(in) if (inpt.eq.-10) break if ( { write(5,('0File error ',i4,' !! Abort !!',a1))inpt,ibel stop 133 } } } repeat { kct=ict/3 kct=kct*3 call peak(isw,in,kct,ithrsh,.not.start,ipos,ihight,istat,izps) start=.true. is=istat.and.3 if ( { # # Peak found # if ( { # # Collect maximum height and position # ihl=ihight posx=secnds(stime)-64.*time+ipos*time } if (is.eq.1) { if (rej) { irejpk=ihl if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read write (5,('0Reject sample read - waiting for Standards')) if (.not.(rflg.or.sim)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) rej=.false. start=.false. ihl=0 next } if ( { if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read write (5,(' Peak below threshold - rejected',a1))ibel if (.not.(rflg.or.sim)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) next } if (stds) { # # Standards come here # if( ibot=ihl if( itop=ihl nstds=nstds-1 pst(no1-nstds)=ihl peastd(no1-nstds)=ihl-bck # standard peak height if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read write (5,(' standard ',f8.3,' has been read'))stdx(no1-nstds) if (.not.(rflg.or.sim)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) if ( { if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read write (5,('0FATAL - last standard too low for detection'_ ,a1))ibel call exit(113) } if (nstds.le.0) { # # Calibrate the standards # open (unit=3,name='AUTO.PRT') call fit(0,no1,peastd,stdx,yint,fac) if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read write (5,('0std-val std-peak est-val')) write (5,(' ------- -------- -------')) write (3,('1std-val std-peak est-val')) write (3,(' ------- -------- -------')) sx=0. ; sx2=0. ; sy2=0. do j=1,no1 { y=stdx(j) yest=peastd(j)*fac sx=sx+y*yest sx2=sx2+(y*y) sy2=sy2+(yest*yest) write (5,(1x,f7.3,3x,f10.3,3x,f9.4))stdx(j),peastd(j),yest write (3,(1x,f7.3,3x,f10.3,3x,f9.4))stdx(j),peastd(j),yest } write (5,('0Equation is : value = ',f8.4,' X peak'))fac corr=sx/sqrt(sx2*sy2) write (5,('0Correlation Coeff = ',f6.4,/))corr write (5,('0Standards completed - waiting for samples.')) write (3,('0Equation is : value = ',f8.4,' X peak'))fac corr=sx/sqrt(sx2*sy2) write (3,('0Correlation Coeff = ',f6.4,/))corr close(unit=3) if (.not.(rflg.or.sim)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) # # Open data file and write header # open (unit=2,name='auto.dat') write (2,(1x,5a2,f10.5,f7.0,i2,f10.0,8i1,f6.4,3i8))_ units,fac,back(1),nosams,stime,chn,corr,itop,_ ibot,irejpk ibw=1 while ( { ibw=ibw+1 write (2,(' BA',f6.0,f7.0))backx(ibw),back(ibw) } istw=1 while (istw.le.no1) { write(2,(' ST',f7.2,f6.0))stdx(istw),pst(istw) istw=istw+1 } close (unit=2) stds=.false. } } else { # # Samples come here # if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read if (sim) lfst=.false. else lfst=.true. open (unit=2,name='auto.dat',type='OLD',access='APPEND') if ( # # If zero height peaks # do i=1,izps { isamp=isamp+1 val=0. if (lfst) write (5,('+',a1'RA ',i4,3X,f11.4,a1))icr,_ isamp,val,icr else write (5,(1x,'RA ',i4,3X,f11.4))isamp,val lfst=.false. write(2,(' RA',f6.0,f7.0))posx,val } isamp=isamp+1 val=(ihl-bck)*fac # Calibrate sample iflg='SA' if ( iflg='RA' xhl=ihl write(2,(1x,a2,f6.0,f7.0))iflg,posx,xhl if (iflg.eq.'SA') iflg=' ' if (lfst)write (5,('+',a1,a2,' ',i4,3X,f11.4,a1))_ icr,iflg,isamp,val,icr else write (5,(1x,a1,a2,' ',i4,3X,f11.4))icr,iflg,isamp,val close (unit=2) if (.not.(rflg.or.sim)) call forio('R',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) } ihl=0 } } is=istat.and.64 } until (is.eq.0) } until (end) # if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) #kill read open (unit=2,name='auto.dat',type='OLD',access='APPEND') x=0. write (2,(' EN',f6.0,f7.0))x,x write (5,('0Processing the report - please wait',a1))ibel close (unit=1) close (unit=2) open (unit=1,name='auto.dat',type='OLD') open (unit=2,name='auto.prt',type='OLD',access='APPEND') # # Count the number of backgrounds # ibak=1 read (1,(1x,5a2,f10.5,f7.0,i2,f10.0,8i1,f6.4,3i8))_ units,fac,back(1),nosams,stime,chn,corr,itop,ibot,irejpk repeat { read (1,(1x,a2,f6.0,f7.0))iflg,xpos,yhight if (iflg.eq.'EN') break if (iflg.eq.'BA') { ibak=ibak+1 back(ibak)=yhight backx(ibak)=xpos } } if( call fit(1,ibak,backx,back,yint,bfac) ict=1 ilin=0 call date(idat(1)) call header(idat,units,corr) close (unit=1) open (unit=1,name='auto.dat',type='OLD') read (1,(1x,a2))i repeat { v1=0. v2=0. i=0 while ( { i=i+1 read(1,(1x,a2,f6.0,f7.0))ityp,posx,yhl if (ityp.eq.'RS') { i=i-1 break } if (ityp.eq.'EN') break 2 if (ityp.eq.'BA')read(1,(1x,a2,f6.0,f7.0))ityp,posx,yhl if (ityp.eq.'ST') next 2 val1(i)=(yhl-back(1))*fac if (val1(i).lt.0.)val1(i)=0. v1=v1+val1(i) val2(i)=(yhl-(yint+posx*bfac))*fac if (val2(i).lt.0.)val2(i)=0. v2=v2+val2(i) } if ( { inum=i xi=i avv1=v1/xi avv2=v2/xi iflg=' ' if (ityp.eq.'RA')iflg='RA' if ( write (2,(1x,a2,1x,i4,3x,f11.4,9x,9f11.4))_ iflg,ict,avv2,(val2(i),i=1,inum) else write (2,(1x,a2,1x,i4,3x,f11.4,9x,9f11.4))_ iflg,ict,avv1,(val1(i),i=1,inum) ict=ict+1 ilin=ilin+1 if ( { ilin=0 call header(idat,units,corr) } } } # close (unit=1) close (unit=2) call spawn (mcr,,,1,,,,pcmd,14) write (5,('0File ',4a2,' sent to printer'))(pcmd(j),j=4,7) write (5,('0To cleanup type "DELETE AUTO.*" then "LOGOUT"',/)) write (5,('0All finished - bye.',a1))ibel stop end # # # # Subroutine backg(ichn,ibn,back) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Calculates the average background over a full block of data # # ichn - Supplied A/D channel number # bck - back ground value # common /abuf/ibuf(1040) ba=0. inc=ichn ib=260*ibn+5 do i=1,32 { ba=ba+ibuf(ib+inc) inc=inc+8 } back=ba/32. return end # # # subroutine fit(itype,inum,x,y,yint,fact) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # itype = Input (0=linear thru orig., 1=linear) # inum = Input = number of points # x = Input = x array # y = Input = y array # yint = Returned y intercept # fact = Returned gradient # # real x(50),y(50) # f1=0.;f2=0.;f3=0.;f4=0.;f5=inum do i=1,inum { f1=f1+x(i) f2=f2+x(i)*x(i) f3=f3+y(i) f4=f4+x(i)*y(i) } if(itype.eq.0) { yint=0. fact=f4/f2 } else { yint=(f3*f2-f1*f4)/(f5*f2-f1*f1) fact=(f5*f4-f1*f3)/(f5*f2-f1*f1) } return end # # # function input(in) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # integer in(64) # call errsns input=0 read(1,end=10,err=20)in return 10 input=-10 return 20 call errsns(input) return end # # # Subroutine header(idat,units,corr) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ byte idat(9) integer units(5) # write (2,('1 Auto-Analyser Report For ',9a1,/))idat write (2,(' The unit of measure = ',5a2))units write (2,(' The correlation coef = ',f6.4,/))corr write (2,(' Sample Average-result Individual-results')) write (2,(' ------ -------------- ------------------')) return end # # # subroutine getops (sim,rec,dmp,isw,rej) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # logical sim,rec,dmp,isw,rej byte cmd(80),opts(20) data ncmds/5/,opts/'/','S','I','M','/','R','E','C','/','D','M','P'_ ,'/','I','S','W','/','R','E','J'/ call getmcr(cmd,ilen) if (ilen.eq.-80) { write(5,('$Options ->')) read(5,(Q,80a1))ilen,cmd } call cnvtuc(ilen,cmd) ic=0 for (i=1 ; i.le.4*ncmds ; i=i+4) { ic=ic+1 call stfind(opts(i),4,cmd,ilen,ipos,jstat) if (jstat.eq.0) { if (ic.eq.1) sim=.TRUE. if (ic.eq.2) rec=.TRUE. if (ic.eq.3) dmp=.TRUE. if (ic.eq.4) isw=.TRUE. if (ic.eq.5) rej=.TRUE. } } return end # # # subroutine cmd(rbuf,pause,end,seq,bgflg,rflg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # logical pause,end,bgflg,rflg,seq integer rbuf(40),cmdtab(7) data cmdtab/'BA','PA','CO','EN','RS',' ',0/,ibel/7/ # call cnvtuc(2,rbuf) call stfind(rbuf,2,cmdtab,14,ipos,jst) if (jst.eq.0) { if(ipos.eq.1)bgflg=.true. if(ipos.eq.3)pause=.true. if(ipos.eq.5)pause=.false. if(ipos.eq.7)end=.true. if(ipos.eq.9)seq=.true. } else { if (rflg) call forio('K',rbuf,'AUTO>',5,nchar,rflg) write (5,('0Command Error',a1,/))ibel } rbuf(1)=' ' return end