This is the AnalytiCalc main source area for VAX and PDP11. The AAINSTALL.COM file will build the VAX version and set things up for you. For PDP11, have a look at the README.1ST file for build instructions. Basically you edit either PCCPDP.COM or PCCPRON.COM to compile and follow instructions in comments in those files to get a working task image. The VMS build in AAINSTALL.COM is a skeleton to use and you should look it over to see that directories are named as it assumes. This directory is named either [003205] or [PCCUNV] on various distributions. Document files are in another directory named either [003005] or [PCCVDOC] depending on where you get your AnalytiCalc distribution. On the RSX SIG tapes this directory is [312,371] and the document directory is [312,345]. It is hoped that the AAINSTALL.COM file will be helpful to VMS sites trying to bring up AnalytiCalc. Glenn C. Everhart