.title k11fix fix attributes so rmscnv and pip can do ansi binaries .ident /T9.0/ ; Write attribute entries for Kermit-11 tasks and save images ; so that (1) F77 will read the files as fixed 512 direct files ; and (2) so RMSCNV and PIP can put them on ANSI tapes intact. ; For RSTS/E only. ; ; ; 14-Nov-84 05:23:10 Brian Nelson .psect list: .word 10$,20$,30$,40$,50$,60$,0 10$: .asciz /in:k11.tsk/ 20$: .asciz /in:k11nrs.tsk/ 30$: .asciz /in:k11rsx.tsk/ 40$: .asciz /in:k11pos.tsk/ 50$: .asciz /in:k11xm.sav/ 60$: .asciz /in:k11rt4.sav/ msg: .asciz / updated/<15><12> .even st: mov #list ,r4 10$: tst @r4 beq 100$ mov (r4)+ ,r0 call print call fix tst r0 beq 20$ movb #errfq ,firqb+fqfun movb r0 ,firqb+4 calfip clrb firqb+37 mov #firqb+4,r0 call print br 30$ 20$: mov #msg ,r0 call print 30$: br 10$ 100$: .exit fix: mov r0 ,r1 ; save address of string 10$: tstb (r0)+ ; find the end of it bne 10$ ; not yet sub r1 ,r0 ; get the length dec r0 ; fix it mov #xrb ,r2 ; point to the xrb mov r0 ,(r2)+ ; length mov r0 ,(r2)+ ; length again mov r1 ,(r2)+ ; address of the string clr (r2)+ ; not used clr (r2)+ ; not used clr (r2)+ ; not used clr (r2)+ ; not used call clrfqb ; insure no defaults .fss ; parse it movb firqb ,r0 ; check for errors bne 100$ ; oops movb #opnfq ,firqb+fqfun ; open it up please movb #2 ,firqb+fqfil ; channel*2 calfip ; do it movb firqb ,r0 ; success? bne 100$ ; no mov firqb+fqsiz,r3 ; save file size call clrfqb ; write attributes now mov #firqb+fqfun,r0 ; simple to do movb #uu.atr ,(r0)+ ; write attributes incb (r0)+ ; channel one movb #6 ,(r0)+ ; word count mov #1 ,(r0)+ ; FIXED mov #1000 ,(r0)+ ; 512 byte records clr (r0)+ ; mov r3 ,(r0)+ ; end of file mark clr (r0)+ ; mov r3 ,@r0 ; next free block inc @r0 ; .uuo ; do it movb firqb ,r0 bne 100$ call clrfqb movb #clsfq ,firqb+fqfun movb #2 ,firqb+fqfil calfip clr r0 100$: return clrfqb: mov r0 ,-(sp) mov r1 ,-(sp) mov #40 ,r0 mov #firqb ,r1 10$: clrb (r1)+ sob r0 ,10$ mov (sp)+ ,r1 mov (sp)+ ,r0 return print: mov r0 ,-(sp) mov r1 ,-(sp) mov r2 ,-(sp) mov r0 ,r1 10$: tstb (r0)+ bne 10$ sub r1 ,r0 dec r0 mov #xrb ,r2 mov r0 ,(r2)+ mov r0 ,(r2)+ mov r1 ,(r2)+ clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ .write mov (sp)+ ,r2 mov (sp)+ ,r1 mov (sp)+ ,r0 return .end st