RSX SIG Fall 1986 Tape Collected README files +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [200,006]README.DOC This diskette contains five tasks.APFEL1 ... APFEL4 are for experimental purposes only.In APFELM all functions tried up to now are included. The tasks and all subroutines needed are written in FORTRAN_77. They work well with P/OS V2.0A,later releases are supposed to function too.All sources are included. To start any of the tasks you must first install the CORE graphic cluster-library and,if you intend to use the playback facility, install the file-read-task (CGLGRT).All preliminary action needed you can find in the indirect command-file APFELMRUN.CMD. A typical set of start-parameters for the task APFELM is X = -2.0 Y = -2.0 Window = 5.0 Iterations = 50 Resolution = 5 When you use the Graphic-Microscope the cursor position is the origin of a new picture.You can change the origin with the four Cursor-Keys and select a specific origin with the Select-Key. To continue with a new frame you have to press the Resume-Key. When you intent to save a picture on disk be sure to have enough space.The disk-space used for GIDIS-Metafiles is enormous. Aachen,December 1985 R.J.Wilden +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [200,007]README.1ST Regis to HPGL Conversion Program -------------------------------- This disk contains the sources and other information to construct this program. The files and their functions are listed below: [301,30] README.1ST This file ABSTRCT.TXT Program description for publication ERROR.FTN Routines to generate error messages GETCDS.FTN Routine to prompt for a file name QIOSYM.FTN Routine to read error message file RHP.FTN Main program and other subroutines GCML.MAC Fortran callable GCML LENGTH.MAC Routine to get length of string POS.MAC Routine to find position of string in string RHP.TSK Compiled program RHP.CMD Command file to build the program RHP.DOC User documentation TEST.RGS Test file of ReGIS commands Two additional DEC-supplied files are required: QIOSYM.MSG, which should be in directory LB:[1,2], and IECIO.FTN (supplied with the IEC-11 driver), which should be in directory LB:[1,1]. If these files are in other directories, edit the source files appropriately (QIOSYM.FTN or RHP.FTN respectively). The driving of the plotter is all carried out through the subroutine IEEE (entry points IEEINI, IEEWRT and IEEEXI) in RHP.FTN. Note that an HPIB address of 9 for the computer and 31 (i.e. listen only) for the plotter are assumed. To change the computer address, change parameter COMADR in routine IEEE (in file RHP.FTN). To use a different interface (e.g. RS232), only this routine need be changed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [240,003]AAAREADME.1ST AnalytiCalc for the IBM PC, and clones The three directories below contain archived kits of the three disk set of AnalytiCalc for the IBM PC and most other MSDOS machines. The files are archived with the ARC utility to conserve space. Since not all sites may have ARC, it is included here. Just move ARC51.COM to a blank disk and run it to create ARC.EXE and ARC.DOC. Each archive represents one 360K floppy disk full of software (or a bit more). On the original version, some files were squeezed to get them to fit. Here, ARC does all squeezing. Thus you may need more than one disk for the unsqueezed files. Note also that the VMSSWEEP program (elsewhere in this submission) allows you to look at or extract files from archives while in VMS. You should get the complete distribution. Even though you will not need both the 256K and the 320K versions of ANALY.EXE, each archive has unique items which are not present on other archives, and each has something important besides the ANALY.EXE files in the first and third. Don't skip any! Note that the PC-RIM DBMS has been added here. The archives have all docs, sources, and the .EXE for 512K or more MSDOS machines. Enjoy! Glenn Everhart +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [240,004]README.1ST This area contains a number of mainly MSDOS utilities, almost all written in C. They come from some Decus Europe distributions and may be of some interest for those with Decus C to translate. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [300,021]README.1ST Note: IAS version is in [330,21]. This directory is the RSX version. RSX BASIC - MICHAEL REESE VERSION AUTHORS: L. Simpson, F. Borger, Michael Reese Medical Center, Chicago, IL Operating IAS, RSX-11D, RSX-11M, VMS (compatibility mode) Source Language: MACRO-11 Special hardware: Floating point processor or FPP emulator (supplied.) Keywords: BASIC, Reese Basic Abstract: Reese Basic is a highly upgraded version of what used to be a DECUS library program for DOS. 1. Full FILES-11 I/O is supported, (fixed length random ac- cess, shared mode, etc.) 2. String functions and user defined functions are much more flexible than in either the original version or in DEC's BASIC-11. 3. Multi-user implementation is supported with separate pure and impure areas. (IAS and RSX-11D only.) 4. Since it is an interpreter, it includes the special de- bugging commands: STEP, CON and SET TRACE. 5. Although an interpreter, significant manipulation of the source program is done to speed up operation. 6. OVERLAY and a data preserving CHAIN are also supported. 7. A clean "break" feature is implemented via the TT handler. 8. a number of BASIC+2-like features have been added in- cluding: virtual arrays, integer and byte variables, continued lines and IF-THEN-ELSE. 9. The capability of Spawning another task is supported. MEDIA: 1200' Magtape, 1600BPI, FORMAT: BRU, VMS Backup From: Frank R. Borger To: Basic Users Subject: Summary of changes to Michael Reese Basic August 1985 The following changes have been made to make basic work nicely with lower case input: This version of basic automatically converts all lower case char- acters to upper case, thus Program source may be in lower case. saving a program via the "save" command will result in an all upper case version. Case conversion does not take place under the following conditions: 1. During string input via a regular "INPUT" command. 2. During "INPUT LINE". 3. On source text enclosed in quotes. (This includes prompt strings and variables, which now may be lower case.) 4. On source text in a comment field. Note that string comparisons are still case sensitive. To enable input of commands, etc. in lower case a new SET command has been added, SET UPPER ON/OFF. The following is an enhanced (and cor- rected) description of the SET command. 3.14 SET PROMPT/TRACE/PASS-ALL/ECHO/UPPER ON/OFF This statement is used to set or clear a number of system condi- tions. The number of conditions is likely to increase in the fu- ture as functionality is added. Conditions now serviced include: TRACE: Default is OFF. SET TRACE is equivalent to the TRACE verb and should be used in preference to it because the TRACE verb is expected to disappear in future releases of this interpreter. PROMPT: Default is ON. The PROMPT condition is used to turn the INPUT and INPUT LINE question mark prompt on or off. The OFF mode is designed for special screen or page formatting and may be used in conjunction with the BREAK command. UPPER: Default is OFF. Causes string variables read with an "INPUT" statement to be con- verted to upper case. Useful for command parsers, specifying file names, etc. PASS-ALL-INPUT: Default is OFF. Causes reads to be done with TF.RAL set. Note that ctrl-C, ctrl-O, ctrl-Q, ctrl-S and ctrl-X will have their usual effect from a terminal, unless the terminal is set to be BINARY. Turned OFF when program STOPS. PASS-ALL-PRINT: Default is OFF. Causes writes to be done with TF.WAL set. Note that no carriage control characters will be added to any output. Turned OFF when program STOPS. ,fg 1 ECHO: Default is ON. If turned off, causes terminal reads to be done with TF.RNE. No input will be echoed. Turned OFF when program STOPS. Example: 210 SET PROMPT OFF 220 SET TRACE ON The following change has been made to the INPUT command. (Previo- usly the INPUT command rejected lower case ascii data, and only the INPUT LINE command could read lower case. INPUT V1,V2,V3 etc. Where N is an optional file number and V1, V2, V3 etc. are legal string or numeric variable names. The second form follows the rules for random access described for the PRINT statement. Numeric data must be separated by commas or spaces, successive string variables must be separated by a comma after the required number of characters have been typed in. A character legality check is performed to ensure that all characters are between oc- tal ASCII codes 40 and 137 inclusive and 11 (tab). If a "SET UPPER ON" command has been issued, lower case ascii will be con- verted to upper case. Under RSX, BAS cannot spawn itself, making life a little harder. You can get around this by installing separate versions as ...BA1 ...BA2 etc. Under VMS, BAS can spawn anything that has a 3-character .EXE file in the standard system account, SYS$SYSTEM. The RSX11M and P/OS versions now have imbedded error messages. No more looking in the back of the manual. The only thing they don't do is report the FCS error code too. P/OS users should be aware of the conditional assembly in BASPRE which prevents the error 28. error on starting up. (This essenti- ally omits the initial GMCR$ call which was commented out on the version that seems to be floating around on a lot of bulletin bo- ards.) I tried to go thru both the IAS and RSX11M versions to get rid of obsolete and confusing command files. In general both now have been cleaned up. (Anything that was in [1,203] on any earlier ver sions of this package are now in the VMS part.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [302,100]AAAREADME.DOC AAAREADME.DOC SCRIPT The directories contains: SCRIPT.FTN Source SCRIPT.OBJ Object SCRIPT.TSK Executable SCRNOLIB.TSK Executable without resident FCS lib. SCRIPT.TXT Reference Manual SCRIPT.HLP Help Files SCRIPT.CMD Command file to compile and TKB Script SCRBLD.TKB TKB command file called by above SCR.TKB TKB command file called by above, uses another library scheme SCRIPT.DOC Notes on RSX Script PASS.FTN A small program, to implement the PASSWORD and PRIVILEGE functions in SCRIPT. Not meant to save the world, it was written to check the concept and hooks out. If you replace this with something more formidable and/or friendlier, you are more than welcome. Note: This function was never used here, the source only was found in a two year-old backup. PASS.OBJ Compiled PASS.FTN PASS.TSK TKB'ed PASS.FTN PASS.DOC As much info as is on-hand about PASS.FTN *.SCR Two directories that contains sample systems and misc. other scripts as examples. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [304,340]README.DOC King James BIBLE online This area contains the entire King James version of the Bible online. All known typos have been fixed, though the text is still all upper case. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ===================== 1) 5 MEG OF DISK [ FLOPPY ONLY SYSTEMS DON'T MAKE SENCE ] 2) BASIC [ ALL THE SOURCES ARE IN BASIC 11 -THE MIN. COM. DENOM.-] ___________________________________________________________________________ QUICK AND DIRTY UP & RUNNING =================================== 1) COPY BIBLE.BIB,BIBLE.I,BIBLE.R,BIBCV.BAS,SEARCH.BAS FROM TAPE.... 2) START UP BASIC AND RUN BIBCV TO PRINT CHAPTER AND VERSE OR SEARCH TO FIND ALL STRING MATCHES __________________________________________________________________________ DISKETTE ONLY OR NONE TAPE SYSTEMS =================================== 1) COPY 66 FILES NAMED BOOK??.BIB TO YOUR DISK 2) COPY MKNBRK.BAS,BIBLE.I,BIBLE.R,BIBCV.BAS,SEARCH.BAS TO YOUR DISK 3) RUN MKNBRK.BAS ( THIS WILL MAKE BIBLE.BIB FROM BOOK??.BIB ) NOTE: YOU CAN ERASE BOOK??.BIB AT THIS POINT IF YOU NEED SPACE 4) START UP BASIC AND RUN BIBCV TO PRINT CHAPTER AND VERSE OR SEARCH TO FIND ALL STRING MATCHES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [312,371]AAAREADME.1ST This is the AnalytiCalc main source area for VAX and PDP11. The AAINSTALL.COM file will build the VAX version and set things up for you. For PDP11, have a look at the README.1ST file for build instructions. Basically you edit either PCCPDP.COM or PCCPRON.COM to compile and follow instructions in comments in those files to get a working task image. The VMS build in AAINSTALL.COM is a skeleton to use and you should look it over to see that directories are named as it assumes. Task images are in another directory on this tape for PRO 3xx and PDP-11 RSX. This directory is named either [003205] or [PCCUNV] on various distributions. Document files are in another directory named either [003005] or [PCCVDOC] depending on where you get your AnalytiCalc distribution. On the RSX SIG tapes this directory is [312,371] and the document directory is [312,345]. It is hoped that the AAINSTALL.COM file will be helpful to VMS sites trying to bring up AnalytiCalc. Glenn C. Everhart +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [321,100]AAAREADME.1ST This directory has the submission from for the Fall 86 RSX SIG tape. File Description ---- ----------- TTDAT.SLP Patch to M+ v3.0 to provide I/D space on Qbus DH-11 clones. TTYH.SLP Same as above PROTREE.86A RSX SIG Other media working group tape tree PRO.86A RSX SIG Other media working group users list The patches to the YH driver were used at our site to allow an EMMULEX CS01 to be used on an 11/73 sysgened with I/D space support. The existing gen procedure provided by Emmulex required the sysgen be done with no I/D space support. To use the patches apply them to the sysgen kit before starting sysgen, then proceed with the Emmulex instructions except choose I/D space support in Executive configuration. This patch also allows terminals to be set to 19200 baud. The other media working group has started the spring 86 tapes down the tree. Our working group is made of volunteers that will convert the SIG tapes to other media including but not limited to RX50, RL02, TK50, 800BPI TAPE, and 6250BPI TAPE. For more information contact me on how to volunteer or how to obtain something off the tapes. Bob Uleski Baker Instruments Corp. 100 Cascade Drive Allentown, PA 18103 (215) 264-2800 (work) (215) 395-9018 (home) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [330,100]README.1ST This is an anotated copy of the command file used to generate the Reese's Pieces BRU tape. Be advised that documentation is all over, and not congregated except into help files and dp1:[1,10] Note: See the RSX86BTPE.DOC file for the correlation of the PIECE1, PIECE2, etc., backup set areas to UICs on this distribution. ; ; ; piece 1, general utility programs ; /REW/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:PIECE1 dr3:[1,10]*.*;*,[1,12]*.*;*,[1,16]*.*;*,[1,22]*.*;*,[1,25]*.*;* MM: 1,10 Lots of programs, a catchall account. 1,12 The INForm package, updated for version 3.2 1,16 DUPLEX and XMIT, updated for IAS (term emulators) 1,22 BRU and DSC tape directory pgms, unknown tape listers, tape copy programs, our on-line ROLLIN image mode disk save pgms. 1,25 COOKIE, DAMMIT, HEADACHE, MURPHY and MAY, smart remark pgms ; ; piece 2, more general utility programs ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:PIECE2 dr3:[1,26]*.*;*,[1,30]*.*;*,[1,31]*.*;*,[1,32]*.*;*,[1,40]*.*;* MM: 1,26 Programs to list the external page, software used to generate bootstrap roms for non standard device addresses 1,30 Programs to help you patch disks, examine FCS file structures, show disk activity, recover lost files, show file attributes 1,31 Screen based clock, and system display 1,32 An RSX mail program, updated to run on IAS, (Uses Reese style login info, but could be adopted to regular IAS.) 1,40 Program to list current FCB's in use ; ; MRH HELP, help modified to use multiple help files, instead of ; one humongous file, so its faster For a command of AID ZAP, ; help first tries to use ZAP.HLP, then defaults to MCR.HLP ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:HELP dr3:[1,2]*.*;* MM: ; ; Much of the documentation for packages in Reese's Pieces ; resides on dp1:[1,10] ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:DOCS dp1:[1,10]*.*;* MM: ; ; errors, aids to process error logging reports, and some simple ; on-line diagnostic aids ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:ERRORS dr3:[1,6]*.*;* MM: ; ; mrhlogin, reese mcr login package, DCL style ; PAGE 2 /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:MRHLOGIN dr3:[11,13]*.*;* MM: [11,13] Contains the sources to HEL, BYE, etc that were developed to let an MCR based system use the protection features of a PDX system. Passwords, etc are in the user profile file, with a modified version of the protection code. Also has same login for batch. (Modified task image of pdx is included.) Also includes a catachall task that does some one-line DCL style commands, (DIR,PRINT,etc.) ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:MRHLOGIN1 dp1:[1,100]*.sys;*,[1,100]*.bas;*,[1,100]autostart.dat,[1,100]pdsupf.vir MM: ; *.sys Reese basic programs used to update the user profile file *.bas Programs to aid in logging, accounting etc. pdsupf.vir a virgin file, with only SYSTEM and SCITERMINAL autstart.dat command file for autostarting selected users. Note that we still use an older format of the PDSUPF.DAT file ; ; vtlvdiecr, screen lister, directory, editing mcr ; some great 11m Programs by Robin Miller, updated for IAS ; /APP/DIS/MOUNTED/BACKUP:VTLVDIECR dr3:[351,*]*.*;* MM: ; 351,70 Contains VTL, a VT100 terminal listing program, commands like KED, options for viewing 2 files, lots more 351,72 VAX style directory command, short version with multiple entries per line, full version with all file attributes 351,73 ECR, Editing MCR. MCR with command line editing, much more +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [330,107]READ.XMT ********************************************************************* * * * README.XMT XMITR PROGRAM * * * * If you have any problems with or questions about XMT * * please contact: * * * * Michael D. Lampi * * McDonnell Douglas Corporation * * mail location 35-44 * * 3855 Lakewood Blvd. * * Long Beach, Cal. 90846 * * telephone (213) 593 - 2029 * * * ********************************************************************* XMTBLD.CMD Command file to assemble & task build XMT ABREAK.FTN ASCII8.FTN BREAK.FTN CLSFIL.FTN COPYMD.FTN CTLCHR.FTN CTLSUB.FTN DELAY.FTN ECHO.FTN ENQUE.FTN FORMAT.FTN HELP.FTN INPFIL.FTN OPNGET.FTN OPNPUT.FTN OUTFIL.FTN PROMPT.FTN READST.FTN REDEF.FTN SETUP.FTN STATUS.FTN STOPIT.FTN XMITR.FTN GETSQ.MAC (Just as written in the FORTRAN-IV User's Guide) ICNT.MAC The following MACRO-11 subroutines may have to be tailored to correspond to your respective systems. ITTOUR.MAC TTYOUT.MAC TWAIT.MAC This version of XMT has been modified by Glenn Everhart to run on IAS and to have lower CPU overhead. Its IAS code is (I hope fully) conditioned by I$$AS, so it may work on 11M systems too (where some considerable effort to reduce its overhead was made), but no guarantees. Use the original submission if you can't get this to work on 11M, or retailor stuff yourself. All tests were done with the full duplex drivers. In IAS you must set the terminal you'll communicate over as /FULLDUPLEX and as /BINARY yourself, using commands like PDS>>SET /UIC=[1,1] PDS>>TER TTn:/FULLDUPLEX PDS>>TER TTn:/BINARY PDS>>TER TTn:/WIDTH:132 to get it set up. That terminal will NOT be logged in in normal use. XMT will set your terminal fullduplex and binary, so be prepared to set it back if you have a crash. You'll have to experiment with prompted/promptless transmission, duplexing, and other toggles a bit to get things working most likely. For a bit more background, this program was originally designed to run in an RT-11 environment using DL-11W's for communication. It was then transported over to RSX-11M 3.1 using DZ-11's and 212 modems. No loss of information was found at speeds of 300 baud when talking with ANY system, but PDP-11/70's were able to out-talk our poor 11/34 at 1200 baud and cause us to lose information, but usually only when XMT was checkpointed for extended lenghts of time. Under RSX-11M v3.2 a few features were added to the ITTOUR.MAC and INPTT1.MAC subroutines to make use of a few v3.2 TT: driver features, such as full-duplex and 8-bit characters. This program has been successful in receiving and transmitting at rates up to 4800 baud on an 11/34 system (under v3.1) with no data loss. Under v3.2 there should be no loss of data at any speed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [330,110]README.DSC [332,100] README.1ST THIS ACCOUNT CONTAINS SUBMISSIONS FROM: BILL BURTON TEXAS RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL SCIENCES 1300 MOURSUND HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030 (713)-797-1976 EXT 501 THE SUBMISSION CONSISTS OF: 1. THE FINAL VERSION OF TWO PROGRAMS FOR DOING PARTIAL RESTORES OF DISKS FROM DSC TAPES. THESE PROGRAMS FIRST APPEARED ON THE SPRING 1981 RSX TAPE. FILES: DSCTAP.TXT DSC TAPE FORMAT DESCRIPTION DSCDIR.* PROGRAM TO GET DIRECTORY OF DSC TAPE DSCCPY.* PROGRAM TO RESTORE A SUBSET OF A DSC TAPE TO DISK. DSCFTN.FTN FORTRAN SUBROUTINES FOR ABOVE. DSCMAC.MAC MACRO SUBROUTINES FOR ABOVE. 2. REPRINT AND PATCH FILES FROM THE MARCH, 1982 ISSUE OF THE UNSUPPORTED (RETIRED) VERSIONS OF RSX WORKING GROUP THESE FILES PATCH THE FLX UTILITY DISTRIBUTED WITH RSX-11M VERSIONS 3.0 AND 3.1 TO ALLOW 9-CHARACTER FILE NAME CATALOGS AND SEARCHING. FILES: FLX.TXT REPRINT OF THE MULTI-TASKER ARTICLE LIPRC2.M30 PATCH FILES FOR VERSION 3.0 MTFLCK.M30 SETOUT.M30 LIPRC2.M31 PATCH FILES FOR VERSION 3.1 MTFLCK.M31 SETODT.M31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [343,036]README.1ST FLYINS FLYINS is a flying install / flying indirect catchall task developed at the Mayo Clinic. It incorporates a user settable install and indirect device and UFD scheme which allows tailoring to the individual site. It is also more intelligent than the DEC TDX catchall in that it tries FSL, RES and then .TSK file names when trying to do flying installs. It is the ideal secondary catchall to put behind the KMSKIT CCL. And, like CCL, it will try to spawn the next catchall in line if it can't handle the command. To build it, invoke the build command file: @FLYBLD. Edit the source file FLYINS.MAC as necessary to reflect your personal preferences for UFD and device search order. Direct any suggestions or inquiries to: Bruce R. Mitchell ECG Computer Systems 2 Plummer Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN 55902 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [343,037]README.1ST POOL Monitoring and Analysis Package This is a POOL monitoring and analysis package for the disk-based series of RSX operating systems. It consists of two parts: (1) A privileged, Exec-mapping data acquisition task (POOLMN), and (2) an unprivileged Fortran data analysis task (POOLANAL). POOLMN - POOL Monitor This is a POOL monitor, but it's not like the POOL monitor that comes with RSX. This is a remote descendant of the original POOL enforcer task written by Dale Donchin of the DEC RSX implementation group. Dale's original task protects a system from low POOL conditions. This task, however, is a monitor and not an enforcer. It scans POOL four times per minute (at the 0, 15, 30 and 45 second marks) over a 5 minute monitoring period for: o Number of POOL fragments o Size of second largest POOL fragment in words o Size of largest POOL fragment in words o Size of total free POOL in words o Number of active tasks in GEN After obtaining this information, it averages the values taken for each of the above items and writes them to a logging file in LB:[1,4]. It then resynchronizes to the current time and stops until the next monitoring period 0 second mark. The monitor logs high and low POOL for the previous hour on the system console CO: every hour. This can be disabled by editing a conditional in the source. Two output formats are available for the logging file (LB:[1,4]POOLANAL.DAT). The formats are human readable and compressed. Human readable is the default. See the source for details. The task is not abortable by ABRT$ or MCR request. Once started, it runs until the system crashes. If you need to abort it, PIP /NV, then delete, its output file. It dies at the end of the current monitoring interval. The monitor should be started by the startup command file, but POOL is often unstable during and shortly after startup. The task waits 5 minutes before beginning scans to allow POOL to stabilize. This can be disabled by editing a conditional in the source. To build it, invoke the build command file @POOLMN. POOLANAL - POOL Analysis An analysis task? You want an analysis task, you say? This is indeed your lucky day. Here is just the thing for you. POOLANAL reads logging files produced by POOLMN, processes and averages them on a weekly basis, and - o Produces a table of low, high, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variance for each sampled variable on a daily and overall basis. o Notes significant POOL variations by day and time. o Pseudoplots POOL availability by day and time. Output is dumped to a file which is printable on any 132 column line printer with upper and lower case. To build it, invoke the build command file @POOLANAL. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [343,041]README.1ST This UFD contains Runoff source for the Multi-Tasker from August 1986 to November 1986. Because the target device is a QMS 1200 laser printer, the escape sequences embedded in the source will bollix up many other printers. Forewarned is forearmed. Bruce R. Mitchell Editor, The Multi-Tasker "Fine Realtime Commentary since 1975" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [343,042]README.1ST EMPIRE War Game of the Century Empire is a strategy and tactics war game, you against the computer. It is played on a computer generated map containing land areas, sea areas, and cities. The object is to eliminate the opponent by capturing cities and destroying enemy forces. Cities, once captured, have production capability, and can produce units such as armies, fighters, destroyers, etc. for offense or defense. Early in the game, exploration is most predominant, followed later by planned offensives and holding actions, till eventual victory or defeat. Typical games take as long as ten hours, and some people find the game addictive. The program keeps the game in a disk file, as a single game usually takes multiple terminal sessions. The .DOC file containing the instructions is correct and complete, but is terse and lacks examples. This may cause confusion in the first games. Don't sweat it. This is an RSX11M version of Empire. It has been heavily modified since the last release to add FCSFSL support (reduced overlays greatly) and add special video attribute handling. The damn bug in the piece locator routine is still here, but at least it doesn't hang the terminal any more. EMPIRE uses a PLAS region to handle its variables and is known to work under M-Plus V2.1 with FPP. It hasn't been checked out on any other systems. There are apparently some problems with the non-FSL version now, but I haven't had time to check them out. This version uses UFD [377,377] to store maps generated when a "new game" is initiated. If you want to change this, go ahead, but please leave the original code here if you're going to resubmit this to a SIG tape - I had to hack the code somewhat to get all 6 (group, member) characters in and it makes it so much easier to change the save UFD now (just add leading zeroes if you want some other UFD). By all means drop me a line if you have changes or suggestions. Bruce R. Mitchell Machine Intelligence and Industrial Magic PO Box 816 Byron, MN 55920 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [343,120]README.1ST Fall, 1986 RSX Sig Tape Submissions from Cargill Inc. Research P.O. Box 9300 Minneapolis, Mn. 55440 This area contains four packages which we have found useful. Virtual Disks: This is a composite of previous VD (and VE) software, with a few additions. It has worked flawlessly for us for some time. M+ V2.1 and V3.0 and maybe M as well. Virtual disks are especially nice on single disk Micro-PDP systems. We have put together files that will help unfamiliar people overcome their hesitancy about putting in VDs. See README.VD. Clunk Conversion: We pulled a CLUNK time routine from an old article, then discovered it told time like a 2 dollar watch! This is the fixed up version. Any M or M+ version. See README.CLU. EFN: Everyone sooner or later writes or borrows an event flag manipulator. This is ours. Works from indirect command file or TI:, can set or clear ranges of flags with a single command. Does Group Globals as well as Globals. Any M or M+ version. See README.EFN. KEY: Time to put those VT220 programmable keys to work! This is our program to setup the programmable keys (shifted function keys) on the VT220 terminals. It can do programming on the fly, or do it from commands in an existing setup file. Task image should run on any M or M+ system. Need OMSI Pascal to recompile sources, but the main source is supplied should you wish to do it in some other language. See README.KEY. Most of this is in MACRO, with a bit of FORTRAN and PASCAL thrown in. See individual README files for addresses or tel numbers of people who can answer questions or receive comments about each submission. Enjoy. Jim Bostwick Philip Hannay Bob Thomas +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [351,070]AAAREADME.1ST Program: VTL Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1985 Description: This program is used to list file(s) on a VT100 family terminal. The file(s) are displayed one screen at a time for easy viewing. Various commands can be entered to change listing parameters or to position to a particular portion of the file. Many of the commands are the same as the Digital editor EDT. Commands can be entered either by using keys on the VT100 keypad, or by entering commands to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. Some of the major features of the program are outlined below: o CTRL/C detection for aborting searches, etc. o Delete the file being displayed. o Display a ruler along the top of the file. o Display the next file or next the directory. o Display record numbers along the left margin. o Display the file header of file being displayed. o Print the file being displayed. o Search (forward only) for a specified string. o Shift the display window left or right. o Split screen mode to display two files. o Teco compatible see-all mode. o Write portions of the file being displayed. The maximum record size that can be displayed is 512 characters. All commands have a repetition count of one. Relative and indexed files are not supported. The special wildcard characters "* and %" can be used with VTL on RSX-11M using FCS for I/O instead of RMS. Previously these were only valid on VMS since a native image was being called to lookup files. The Digital files ASCR50.MAC and PARSFN.MAC were modifed to allow this type of wildcard lookup. Unfortunatly, since they are Digital source files I can't submit them to the SIG Tape. I hope to submit an article on this to the RSX News Letter in the near future. These modified modules are in the object library (VTL.OLB) and can be extracted an used with other programs. Refer to module VTLOPE for further information on using these (must save the file name block). [ File "VTL.DOC" contains full documentation for this program. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall 1985 DECUS Submission. This version of VTL has several bug fixes and will now sense the AVO setting of the terminal characteristics. Previously, either the /AVO qualifier had to be specified, or a taskbuild option changed to let VTL know the terminal was equiped with the Advanced Video Option. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [351,072]AAAREADME.1ST Program: DIRectory Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1985 Description: The DIRECTORY command lists the files contained in a directory. When you use certain qualifiers with the command, additional information is displayed, along with the names of the files. The output of the DIRECTORY command depends on certain formatting qualifiers and their defaults. These qualifiers are: /COLUMNS, /DATE, /FULL, /OWNER, /PROTECTION, and /SIZE. In studying the qualifiers and the capabilities they offer, watch for qualifiers that override other qualifiers. For example, if you specify the /FULL format, the system cannot display all the information in more than one column. Thus, if you specify both /COLUMNS and /FULL, the number of columns you requested is ignored. Format: DIRECTORY [file-spec[,...]] Additional information available: ALL BEFORE BRIEF COLUMN CONTROL CREATED DATE DETACH EXPIRED FID FILEID FORMAT FORMFEED FULL GRANDTOTAL HEADING HELP MODIFIED OUTPUT OWNER PARAMETERS PRINTER PROTECTION REWIND REVISED QUALIFIERS SINCE SIZE SPOOL STARTUP TODAY TOTAL TRAILING VERSION ***************************************************** * Refer to the help file (DIR.HLP) for descriptions * * and examples of the above qualifiers. * ***************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall 1985 DECUS Submission. This version of DIRectory has several bug fixes and now supports directorys of ANSI magtapes. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [351,073]AAAREADME.1ST Program: AUX Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1985 Description: The AUX program allows VT100 auxillary key definitions and command line editing ala VAX/VMS V4.x systems. The program also saves the last twenty commands which can then be recalled. In this release of AUX, the auxillary keys are statically defined. A "DEFINE KEY" interface may be added for the next version of AUX if it becomes widely used. The main AUX documentation is contained in file AUXKEY.PAD. This file is used by AUX to display help from the program when the PF2 (help) key or the PF1 (GOLD) PF2 key is pressed. This help file must be placed in LB:[1,2] for system wide access. To start AUX, simply type "AUX" if it is installed, or "RUN AUX". The program is not currently setup as a Command Line Interface (CLI). AUX will accept input and spawn the command line to your default CLI when you press the return key. To exit AUX, type CTRL/Z. The following is the control key definitions: Control Keys: CTRL/A Toggle between overprint and insert mode. CTRL/B Skip backward to next character input. CTRL/C Delete the entire command line. CTRL/D Delete to end of command line. CTRL/E Position to end of command line. CTRL/F Skip forward to next character input. CTRL/H (BS) Position to beginning of command line. CTRL/J (LF) Delete the previous word. CTRL/M (CR) Terminate the current command line. CTRL/R Recall all previous command lines. CTRL/T Display one line status report. CTRL/U Delete to beginning of command line. CTRL/V Display the current version number. CTRL/W Refresh the current command line. CTRL/Z Exit from the AUX program. DELETE Delete the previous character. !n Recall command line number 'n'. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [351,144]README.1ST This directory contains two papers that were to be presented at the Fall 1986 DECUS U.S. Symposium - Introduction to the RSX, P/OS, and RT Indirect Command File Processor (RX018) Programming in the RSX Indirect Command Language (RX019) Also included are the command files from which the examples in RX019 came. The files in this directory include: README .1ST;1 2./2. This file RX018 .TXT;1 70./70. Paper - RX018 RX019 .TXT;1 66./66. Paper - RX019 CRASHDUMP.CMD;1 22./22. CDA Preprocessor PPORT .CMD;1 4./4. Printer port handler SCRED .CMD;1 16./16. Single screen editor SYMDMP .CMD;1 15./15. .STB file dumper 7. Files selected 7. Files total Selected blocks used/allocated: 195./195. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [352,110]README.1ST This directory contains RENUM, a program which will renumber a Fortran program so that all statement labels in each compilation unit are numbered in ascending order. The program currently generates labels starting with label 10 and increasing in steps of 10, but this can be easily changed by modifying the LOOKUP routine. If installed, the program will read the name of the file which is to be renumbered from the command line. If no command line is present (e.g., if the task isn't installed, but was invoked with a RUN command), the user will be prompted for a filename. An extension of .FTN (or .FOR in the VMS edition) is assumed if no extention is provided. If a second filename is provided, it will be used as the output file name. Essentially the same program is provided for use on a VAX/VMS system in the files RENUM.FOR and RENCOM.FOR. The only changes required to produce the VMS version were to change the call to GETMCR to a call to LIB$GET_FOREIGN, and to change the default filename extension to .FOR. The RENUM program only calls routines which are provided in the RENUM source file or in the standard system library, and no overlays are required even with all compiler error checking enabled, so no special link commands are re- quired. To allow a command line to be passed to the program when run under RSX, the program must be installed with a prototype command name such as ...REN. At sites using DCL, the name ...RNM would be preferable, since this wouldn't conflict with the DCL RENAME command. To do this, an IN- STALL command such as INS $RENUM/TASK=...RNM should be placed in the system startup command file. To allow a command line to be passed to the program when run under VMS, the program must be invoked as a foreign command. To do this, a symbol definition such as RENUM == "$RENUM" should be placed in the system login command file. Any questions or suggestions can be directed to the author: John Kodis Goddard Space Flight Center Building 26, Room 115 Greenbelt, Maryland, 20771, USA (301) 286-4543 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [355,100]README.1ST Submission to Fall 1986 DECUS RSX SIG Tape Jerry Ethington Prolifix, Inc. 245 Hawkeegan Drive Frankfort KY 40601 (502)223-5489 P/OS Memory Disk Driver This account contains full sources and binaries implementing a memory disk driver for P/OS versions 2.0 and later. It also includes a copy of the PROLOD system server task for P/OS 2.0 systems, necessary for the use and development of loadable drivers on P/OS. PROLOD was not ready for distribution when P/OS 2.0 shipped, so it was finally included on the P/OS V3.0 distribution. The files included in the distribution are: MDBLD.CMD - DCL command file to rebuild package from sources MDINS.CMD - DCL command file to install binaries MDDRV.DOC - documentation for MDDRV package MDDRV.MAC - driver source MDTAB.MAC - driver database source MDLOAD.MAC - source of a program to load driver MDUNLOAD.MAC - source of a program to unload driver MDDRV.TSK,.STB - binaries of driver and its symbol table MDLOAD.TSK - binaries of driver loader MDUNLOAD.TSK - binaries of driver unloader PROLODV2.TSK - loadable driver server for 2.0/2.0A systems PROLOD.DOC - driver development notes PROLODZAP.CMD - ZAP command file to correct bug in distributed PROLODV2.TSK from V3.0 kit, PRODCL2 floppy Editor's note: This thing works SPLENDIDLY on my Pro 350 and speeds heavily overlaid tasks (like AnalytiCalc) up greatly. Highly useful!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [356,030]AAAREADME.TXT This is a combined effort by the DATATRIEVE / Fourth Generation Languages SIG to produce a library of items related to or using DATATRIEVE. [356,30] Machine readable past issues of the Wombat Examiner [356,32] Additional PLOTS and articles on adding your own plots [356,31] Process RSX-11M-Plus system accounting with DTR, also RSX console logs, and a routine for all 11s to convert DTR DATE types to/from ASCII outside of DTR. [356,33] Transcriptions of some Symposia sessions. B. Z. Lederman DTR/4GL SIG Library Rep. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [356,041]AAAREADME.TXT Brian Nelson Computer Services University of Toledo 2801 West Bancroft Toledo, Oh 43606 (419) 537-2841 Brian@Uoft01.bitnet Submissions for the RSX Fall 1986 Sig Tape CLE.DIR;1 A command line editor/recall. This is really for RSTS/E, but the basic principle is applicable to RSX. One of the source files, K11EDI.MAC, should be usable as is. Renamed to [356,45] KERMIT11.DIR;1 Version 3.54 of PDP-11 Kermit Renamed to [356,40] SLIDES.DIR;1 Copies of Slides for the Kermit talk this symposia Renamed to [356,44] TED.DIR;1 A text editor, VMS, RSX11M+, P/OS and RSTS/E Renamed to [356,43] VMSTPC.DIR;1 A fast tape copy program, VMS only Renamed to [356,42] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [356,043]AAAREADME.TXT Brian Nelson 21-MAY-1985 11:34 29-JAN-1986 15:25 21-APR-1986 10:21 This is yet another text editor which was first written a few years ago in Macro-11 and used on RT, RSTS/E and RSX. The Macro-11 version (not included here) predates EDT change mode, which is one of the reasons why it was written to start with. This is a complete redesign and rewrite in C with some Macro-32. It functions as both a line editor and full screen editor. The main reason it was rewritten in C was for portability and to be able to run in native mode. Documentation is in the *.MEM files and also in online help. Note that it is copyrighted and can not be ported to any other system and sold. It does allow multiple paste buffers and multiple file windows, see HELP and notes at the end of this document. The PDP11 task image dynamically determines actions at run time based on the underlying operating system, thus the same task image run under P/OS, RSX11M+ and RSTS/E. On the PDP11, it takes 38KW user + 4KW shared. The shared section is clustered against RMSRES for RSTS/E and P/OS. On RSX11M Plus v 3.0 you can recompile and task build with RMSRES as a supervisor mode library (on the PDP 11/44, 11/70, 11/73 and 11/84) and get a very significant improvement in speed due to the elimination of the constant remapping back to the first library from RMSRES. The file TEDSUP.TSK takes advantage of this. The file TEDID.TSK is an I/D space version of this editor; it runs on 11/44's and J11 based systems under RSX11M+ and MicroRsx V3, and is currently being used on RSTS/E 9.3 The speed difference between TED.TSK and TEDID.TSK (or TEDSUP.TSK) is quite dramatic, the difference in file loading and writing being almost three to one. This points out the price you pay when you use clustered resident libraries. While the use of such an editor could be considered by some to be of questionable value now that TPU is available, this one does run on VMS and the PDP11 execs (RSTS/E, P/OS, RSX11M+). There is no reason why it could not be ported to RT11 and MSDOS, giving the appropiate exec interface. You have full source here. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [370,020]README.1ST README.1ST This submission consists of several files in addition to this README.1ST file. The first file, RX030.DOC is RUNOFF output of information as submitted to the RSX Session Notes for Session RX030: Designing Useful Utilities in ICP. SLIDES.OUT is a copy of the slides presented at the session. The other files are the indirect command procedures, UIC.CMD and WHO.CMD as discussed at the session. Another file, named PROJECT.CMD, is a short command procedure which may be useful for displaying contents of a short file onto the screen of a VT241, in a manner suited for making slides or transparancies for a presentation. These procedures have been very popular with most of our users, and perhaps, they may be useful for others. If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know. Submitted by: James I. Shultz U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Nutrient Composition Laboratory Room 216, Bldg. 161, BARC-E Beltsville, MD 20705 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========> [370,364]README.TXT The purpose of these files is to demonstrate how one could access the I/O page from Decus C. The example accesses a clock/calender card and sets the system time. Since the clock data is read from registers on the card a program must somehow access the I/O page to get this data. By building these files and creating a device partition, the I/O page can easily be accessed. Prior to building the tasks, look at CLOCK.CMD and make sure you understand what is going on. To build the set of programs, execute the indirect commmand file CLOCK.CMD .