1 HOL HOL - Disk Fragmentation List Utility HOL is a small task aimed to give the user detailed information on how fragmented his disks are. For any given FILES-11 device it will list out all (or optionally just those over a given size) the contiguous 'holes' on that device, giving starting block number in decimal (optionally in octal) and size in decimal, and the total number of free blocks for the device. HOL may be invoked either by: >HOL [DDn:][/nnnn][/Octal] or >RUN $HOL HOL>[DDn:][/nnnn][/Octal] Where DDn: is a valid Files-11 device (the n and : are optional) which defaults to SY: if omitted, and nnnn is an optional decimal number (up to 9 digits) specifying a minimum size for the 'holes' to be listed. /Octal indicates that logical block numbers are to be displayed in octal. This switch can be specified as /O, /OC, /OCT, /OCTA or /OCTAL. For a listing of error messages, type AID HOL ERRORS 2 ERR HOL may produce one of the following error messages: 1. HOL - Failure on reading BITMAP.SYS An error occurred trying to read the file BITMAP.SYS on the device specified. Most probably the device is not mounted. 2. HOL - Illegal device The device specified does not exist on the system, or is not a valid Files-11 disk. 3. HOL - Bad switch The user typed a slash (/) in his commandline, but followed it with something other than a valid decimal number or OCTAL keyword 4. HOL - Command error The command line specified was not syntactically correct