Free software BY Northern Telecom Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by NORTHERN TELECOM INC. NORTHERN TELECOM assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Northern Telecom Inc. Network Support Systems Division 54 Regional Drive Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 224-6511 X2529 Program: DIRectory Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1985 Description: The DIRECTORY command lists the files contained in a directory. When you use certain qualifiers with the command, additional information is displayed, along with the names of the files. The output of the DIRECTORY command depends on certain formatting qualifiers and their defaults. These qualifiers are: /COLUMNS, /DATE, /FULL, /OWNER, /PROTECTION, and /SIZE. In studying the qualifiers and the capabilities they offer, watch for qualifiers that override other qualifiers. For example, if you specify the /FULL format, the system cannot display all the information in more than one column. Thus, if you specify both /COLUMNS and /FULL, the number of columns you requested is ignored. Format: DIRECTORY [file-spec[,...]] Additional information available: ALL BEFORE BRIEF COLUMN CONTROL CREATED DATE DETACH EXPIRED FID FILEID FORMAT FORMFEED FULL GRANDTOTAL HEADING HELP MODIFIED OUTPUT OWNER PARAMETERS PRINTER PROTECTION REWIND REVISED QUALIFIERS SINCE SIZE SPOOL STARTUP TODAY TOTAL TRAILING VERSION ***************************************************** * Refer to the help file (DIR.HLP) for descriptions * * and examples of the above qualifiers. * ***************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall 1985 DECUS Submission. This version of DIRectory has several bug fixes and now supports directorys of ANSI magtapes.