AUXVER - Show AUX Version MACRO V05.02 Friday 12-Sep-86 14:04 Page 2 1 .TITLE AUXVER - Show AUX Version 2 .IDENT /1.2/ 3 .ENABL LC 4 ;+ 5 ; 6 ; Free software BY 7 ; Project Software & Development, Inc. 8 ; 9 ; This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as 10 ; desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or 11 ; otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and 12 ; ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. 13 ; 14 ; The information in this software is subject to change without notice 15 ; and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE 16 ; AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. 17 ; 18 ; PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability 19 ; of this software on any equipment whatsoever. 20 ; 21 ; Project Software & Development, Inc. 22 ; 14 Story St. 23 ; Cambridge, Ma. 02138 24 ; 617-661-1444 25 ; 26 ; 27 ; Title: AUXVER.MAC 28 ; Author: Robin Miller 29 ; Date: July 23, 1985 30 31 ; 32 ; Updated Sept 11, 86 F.Borger 33 ; 34 ; Description: 35 ; 36 ; Action routine to display the AUX version number. 37 ; 38 ;- 39 .ENABL AMA 40 .NLIST BEX AUXVER - Show AUX Version MACRO V05.02 Friday 12-Sep-86 14:04 Page 3 42 43 ; Messages: 44 45 000000 101 125 130 AUXVER: .ASCIZ "AUX Ver. 1.2 - Nov 26, 85 - " 46 000035 142 171 040 AUTHOR: .ASCIZ "by Robin Miller - " 47 000060 111 101 123 IASVER: .ASCIZ "IAS version Sep 86 - " 48 000106 102 171 040 IASAUT: .ASCIZ "By F. Borger" 49 .EVEN 50 51 ; Action routine for the "SHOW VERSION" command. 52 53 000124 012701 000000' SHOVER::MOV #AUXVER,R1 ; Set address of version message. 54 000130 012702 000035' MOV #AUTHOR,R2 ; Set address of author message. 55 000134 010346 MOV R3,-(SP) 56 000136 010446 MOV R4,-(SP) 57 000140 012703 000060' MOV #IASVER,R3 ; Add IAS information 58 000144 012704 000106' MOV #IASAUT,R4 59 000150 004737 000000G CALL WRT4MS ; Display it on the message line. 60 000154 012604 MOV (SP)+,R4 61 000156 012603 MOV (SP)+,R3 62 000160 000207 RETURN 63 64 000001 .END AUXVER - Show AUX Version MACRO V05.02 Friday 12-Sep-86 14:04 Page 3-1 Symbol table AUTHOR 000035R CR = 000015 ERRSIZ= 000120 INLUN = 000001 SPNEFN= 000011 AUXVER 000000R CTRLC = 000003 ESC = 000033 INPSIZ= 000200 TICKS = 000001 BELL = 000007 CTRLU = 000025 FF = 000014 LF = 000012 TIEFN = 000004 BS = 000010 CTRLZ = 000032 FMTSIZ= 001000 MINUTE= 000003 TILUN = 000004 CMDHDR= 000004 C.BACK= 000002 HOURS = 000004 MRKEFN= 000010 TMPSIZ= 000031 CMDMAX= 000024 C.BUFF= 000004 HT = 000011 NULL = 000000 TOEFN = 000005 CMDPAD= 000002 C.FORW= 000000 IASAUT 000106R SECNDS= 000002 TOLUN = 000005 CMDSIZ= 000120 DATSIZ= 000040 IASVER 000060R SHOVER 000124RG VT = 000013 COMMA = 000054 DEL = 000177 INEFN = 000001 SPACE = 000040 WRT4MS= ****** GX . ABS. 000000 000 (RW,I,GBL,ABS,OVR) 000162 001 (RW,I,LCL,REL,CON) Errors detected: 0 *** Assembler statistics Work file reads: 0 Work file writes: 0 Size of work file: 8252 Words ( 33 Pages) Size of core pool: 12758 Words ( 49 Pages) Operating system: IAS Elapsed time: 00:00:03.34 AUXVER,AUXVER/-SP=AUXPRE/PA:1,AUXVER