"Adventures" is effectively a problem-solving solitaire game, in which the player searches for treasure in a magical cave. The player directs the program with commands of one or two words each, and the program acts as "eyes and hands", describing what is happening and carrying out the desired actions. The problems faced by the player tend to get more difficult as one goes along, though hopefully none of them are insurmountable! The program is not intended to be any significant advance in language understanding. About all that can be said about it in this regard is that one might be able to point to it as an example of the sort of ambiguities which can arise in even the most restricted universes of discourse. In particular, many difficulties arise from the structure of the program, which (with a very few exceptions) requires that no word be both a noun and a verb. A complete print-out of the games 'contained' instructions can be found in DOC:ADVENTURE.DOC for listing on the LPT: for display users.