GETTING ON THE AIR WITH RSX-11/IAS RUNOFF RSX-11M MAPPED SYSTEMS All command files follow the standard RSX-11M conventions. 1. [100,10] should contain all source modules. 2. [100,20] should contain the file RNOASM.CMD. 3. [100,20] will recieve the object output files. 4. [100,30] will receive listing files. 5. [1,20] should contain the file RNOBLD.ODL 6. [1,24] should contain the file RNOBLD.CMD 7. [1,34] will receive the map output file. 8. [1,54] will receive the task image file. Procedure: 1. Use UFD to set up the proper UFDs, if necessary. Note that all command files must be changed if you do not do this. 2. Use FLX to move the files to their proper UICs. 3. Set the UIC to [100,20] and assemble. SET /UIC=[100,20] MAC @RNOASM 4. Use PIP to construct a concatenated object file for all RNO files: PIP>RNO.OBS=*.OBJ 5. SET THE UIC to [1,20] and build a library containing the RNO object files: SET /UIC=[1,20] LBR>RNO/CR=[100,20]RNO.OBS 6. Edit the Task Build command file to reflect your individual system needs. The Task Build command file contains parameters to set the default switches, default paper size (for /-FF) and default underline mode. 7. Build the task image file. The map will go to [1,34] and the task image to [1,54]. TKB @[1,24]RNOBLD PAGE 2 RSX-11M UNMAPPED SYSTEMS Users of unmapped systems should follow the procedure outlined for mapped systems, but selecting UICs as appropriate. File RNOBLD.CMD will have to be edited to delete the /MM switch and to change the PAR directive to match system requirements. RSX-11D/IAS Users of RSX-11D/IAS should follow the procedure outlined for users of RSX-11M Mapped systems. Since the conventions for source and object files are installation dependent, all .CMD and .ODL files should be edited accordingly. Additionally, RSX-11D/IAS users should alter RNOBLD.CMD to change the /MM switch to /MU and to change the PAR directive as needed. Alternatively, IAS users may use command file RNOIAS.CMD to assemble and build RUNOFF. The command file contains parameters to set the default switches, default paper size (for /-FF) and default underline mode. RSTS/E To build RUNOFF under RSTS/E V06C-03 systems, run the $BUILD program and specify the RNOBLD.CTL control file on the distribution medium. RNOBLD.CTL assumes that all files have been copied to account [100,100] (use PIP.SAV). If users desire to build directly from the distribution of from another account, it will be necessary to edit RNOBLD.CTL to change references to [100,100] to the [p,pn] used in the distribution. Both the RT11 and RSX Run-Time Systems are assumed present in the system, as the PIP.SAV, MAC.TSK, LBR.TSK, and TKB.TSK programs are required in the build procedure. The Task Builder run will normally produce the message: ?TKB -- *DIAG*-MODULE ERR MULTIPLY DEFINES SYMBOL EOF This is not an error. At the (successful) completion of the procedure, RNO will be ready to run. The last step of RNOBLD.CTL copies the files necessary to use RNO (i.e., RNO.TSK and RUNOFF.RNO) to account [1,2]. This step should be deleted or changed if users do not desire to store RNO in [1,2]. To use the Concise-command language feature of RSTS/E, the following CCL command should be installed: CCL RNO=[P,PN]RNO.TSK RNO.TSK is not a privileged program. It should, however, be installed with an <104> protection code if it is desirable for all users on the system to access it. PAGE 3 CONTENTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION RNOASM.CMD - Assembly command file for RSX-11M RNOBLD.CMD - Task builder command file for RSX-11M RNOBLD.CTL - RSTS/E build control file RNOBLD.ODL - Overlay description for RSX-11M RNO.ODL - Overlay descriptor for RSTS/E RNOIAS.CMD - Command file for IAS RNOIAS.ODL - Overlay descriptor for IAS RSTASM.CMD - Assembly command file for RSTS/E RSTBLD.CMD - Task builder command file for RSTS/E CMTAB.MAC - RUNOFF source file COMND.MAC - RUNOFF source file ERMSG.MAC - RUNOFF source file FMTCM.MAC - RUNOFF source file HYPHEN.MAC - RUNOFF source file INDEX.MAC - RUNOFF source file PINDX.MAC - RUNOFF source file RNCMD.MAC - RUNOFF source file RNFIO.MAC - RUNOFF source file RNORSX.MAC - RUNOFF source file RUNOFF.MAC - RUNOFF source file START.MAC - RUNOFF source file RNPRE.MAC - RUNOFF source prefix file for all systems RSTS.MAC - RUNOFF second prefix file for RSTS/E RUNOFF.RNO - Source for RUNOFF manual README.2ND - This document