[307,20]README.1ST U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California Spring 1987 RSX SIG Tape Submission This directory contains a new release of a Virtual Disk driver and associated utilities for RSX-11M-Plus and Micro/RSX versions 3.0 and higher. This package is a complete rewrite based on the previous work of Stamerjohn, Mearns, and Everhart, and incorporating the following new features: - Support for shadowing of virtual disks - Support for virtual disks contained on shadowed volumes - Dynamic device database creation - Logically contiguous volumes created from multiple container files - Virtual device naming liberties - User-controllable container file locking and write protecting - Support for up to sixteen container files per virtual unit - Use of secondary pool for container file data structures - Use of advanced RSX-11M-Plus features - Vectored utility programs Please refer to the release notes for additional information. The following files are in this directory: README.1ST - You're reading it right now VFGEN.CMD - Command file to build the works RELEASE.RNO - Release notes and user guide (Bonner format) RELEASE.DOC - Output file from RELEASE.RNO V21.CHG - Description of change required to M-Plus V2.1 $IOFIN routine in IOSUB to get this to work (implements internal I/O scheme). VFPRE.MAC - Assembly prefix file AVF.MAC - Source files for AVF AVFERR.MAC AVFHRC.MAC DVF.MAC - Source files for DVF DVFERR.MAC VFDRV.MAC - Source files for driver VFTAB.MAC AVF.SAV - Non-vectored version of AVF DVF.SAV - Non-vectored version of DVF VFL.FTN - Task for logging VF: driver packets VFLBLD.CMD