1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BM +__ 0 0BM is a program for determining the distribution of 0unallocated blocks on a FILES-11 disk. A hole is a + ____ 0contiguous collection of unallocated blocks bounded by 0allocated blocks. A hole is completely characterized by its 0hole size and position. BM reports the distribution of hole +____ ____ 0sizes on a disk thereby allowing a decision to be made as to 0when to compress a disk. The results are produced in the 0form of a histogram of the total number of holes within a 0range of hole sizes plotted against the hole size. 0 0BM is called by the use of the MCR RUN command: 0 0 >RUN BM 0 0It then responds "STARTING HOLE SIZE?". Reply with the 0smallest hole size of interest expressed as a decimal 0integer. 0 0Next, BM queries "INTERVAL SIZE?". Enter the cell size to 0be used in producing the histogram. 0 0The next query is "FINAL HOLE SIZE?". Respond with the size 0of the largest hole of interest. Note that BM is (by 0default) built with internal table space adequate for 50 0cells. 0 0 0 0 0 PAGE 2 0 0 Finally, BM will ask for the disk to be examined with the 0query "DISK?". Enter the device name and unit number for 0the disk. If a disk is not specified (i.e. the query is 0met with a carriage return), the system disk SY: is 0examined. 0 0Example +_______ 0 0>RUN BM 0STARTING HOLE SIZE ? 1 0INTERVAL SIZE ? 100 0FINAL HOLE SIZE ? 1000 0DISK? 0 0HOLE SIZE COUNT 0 1 TO 100 4500 0 101 TO 200 75 0 201 TO 300 17 0 301 TO 400 2 0 401 TO 500 1 0 501 TO 600 2 0 701 TO 800 1 0 801 TO 900 1 0 901 TO 1000 1 0 0THE LARGEST HOLE SIZE IS 4034 0 0 0 0 0 PAGE 3 0 TTO -- STOP 0 0BM is located in the user's current UIC. A histogram is to 0be produced with 10 cells covering the range of hole sizes 0from 1 to 1000. The results show that there are 4500 holes 0with sizes between 101 and 200 blocks, 75 holes with sixes 0between 201 and 300 blocks and so on. The largest hole 0encountered was 4034 blocks long. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0