* ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM CHILLF * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: wind CHILL Factor * * Computer: LSI-11/23 & LSI-11/73 * Operating System: RSX-11M V4.2 BL38C * Language: FORTRAN-77 * Original Programmer: R. E. K. Neitzel * Process Control Applications * 312 Laveta Pass * Golden, CO 80401 * * * Date Written: 1/19/87 * * * Revisions: Programmer Date Description * ---------- -------- --------------------- * * Description: * This little program calculates wind chill factors given the input * of wind speed and temperature. Wind speeds of zerp or less are not * allowed. If the calculated chill factor is larger then the actual * temperature an error message is printed. Input is terminated by entering * any temperature value greater then 150. * * The equation used to calculate the chill factor is: * chill factor = (.0817 * ((3.71 * SQRT(speed)) + 5.81 - (.25 * speed)) * * (temperature - 91.4)) + 91.4 * This is a strictly empirical equation, borrowed from W. Walker's RT-11 * Views column in the Jan. 12, 1987 Digital Review. Accuracy is good in * the lower temperature range, but suffers as the temperature increases. * * ---Local variables--- * type name usage * ---- ---- ----- REAL TEMP ! Temperature REAL WIND ! Wind speed REAL CHILL ! Chill factor * * * ---Executable statements begin here--- * TYPE *,' All entrys are of the form xxxx.xx ' TYPE *,' To end the program enter 150.0 or higher ', * 'at the temperature prompt.' 1 WRITE(5,5) 5 FORMAT(' Enter the real temperature in degrees F: ',$) READ(5,10)TEMP 10 FORMAT(F10.2) TYPE *,' ' IF (TEMP .GE. 150.0) STOP 15 WRITE(5,20) 20 FORMAT(' Enter the wind speed in miles/hour: ',$) READ(5,10)WIND TYPE *,' ' IF (WIND .LE. 0.0) THEN TYPE *,' Sorry, wind speed must be a positive value.' TYPE *,' ' GOTO 15 ELSEIF (WIND .GE. 40.0) THEN WIND = 40.0 ENDIF CHILL = (3.71 * (SQRT(WIND))) + 5.81 - (.25 * WIND) CHILL = (.0817 * CHILL) * (TEMP - 91.4) + 91.4 IF (CHILL .GE. TEMP) THEN TYPE *,' Sorry, these values do not give meaningfull results' GOTO 1 ENDIF WRITE(5,30)CHILL 30 FORMAT(' The wind chill effect is ',F6.2) TYPE *,' ' TYPE *,' ' GOTO 1 END