This account contains a pair of programs to produce a detailed breakdown of what DSR is currently being used and for what. It even attempts to follow FCB pointers through F11ACP, and usually finds everything in pool. The only item knowingly omitted is Error Message Blocks, which appear to be exceedingly rare. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ******************************************************************** editor's note: This program looks like it dumps on the data structures in an RSX-11M pool. (except error blocks). Someone should see if it knows about more data structures than the Online pool analyzer (OPA) or the crashed pool analyzer (CPA). Maybe following FCB pointers will help determine what files a large program (that you didn't write, but just inherited) has opened. **********************************************************************