; Find Service include file for task FNDSRV ; ; This file maps logical node names to service names that are ; available on the MA Cluster machines. As new services are added, ; the following arrays must be changed. ; ; For each service name, the appropriate 6 character logical node ; name should be assigned. ; ; NOTE: No two services can be on the same node as the Router on ; that node will only allow a single connection. ; SRVCNT = 2. ; NUMBER OF SERVICES SRVLEN = 30. ; MAX LENGTH OF SERVICE NAME INCLUDING ; 'WHATNODES ' HEADER LOGLEN = 6. ; MAX LENGTH OF LOGICAL NODE NAME SRVNAM: ; SERVICE NAMES, 'WHATNODES ' MUST PRECEDE ; SERVICE NAME ; 12345678901234567890 .ASCII /WHATNODES / .ASCII /PRODUCTION / .ASCII /WHATNODES / .ASCII /DEVELOPMENT / LOGNOD: ; LOGICAL NODE NAMES .ASCII /PRODUC/ .ASCII /DEVLOP/