HPX -- HP2648a TO PDP-11 FILE TRANSFER UTILITY ============================================== Author: Chris Doran Address: Sira Ltd., South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5EH, England. Telephone: +44 1 467 2636 Telex: 896649 Fax: +44 1 467 6515 Version: V1.08 Date: 6th October 1987 HPX is a utility to transfer files between local devices or the screen display of a Hewlett-Packard HP2648a terminal and a PDP-11 running RSX-11M/M-PLUS. It also runs on a VAX under the VAX-11 RSX Applications Migration Executive. The distribution kit contains the following files: HPX.MAC MACRO-11 source for HPX. WLDCRD.MAC MACRO-11 source for wildcard filename lookup inteface. VAXRSXMC.MAC Dummy RSXMC.MAC for assembling to run under the VAX AME. HPXASM.CMD Command file to assemble the above for PDP-11. HPXASM.COM Command file to assemble for VAX RSX-11. HPXBLD.CMD Command file to task-build without a resident library. HPXRESBLD.CMD Command file to task-build with FCSRES. HPXFSLBLD.CMD Command file to task-build with FCSFSL (RSX-11M-PLUS ONLY). HPXDEBBLD.CMD Task-build command file for debugging. HPXTEST.CMD Command file to test HPX. DISPLAY.TXT Text files for use with above -- shows the special character DISPLAY.BIN enhancement modes of the terminal. HPX.HLP Help file -- include in RSX system MCR.HLP and/or DCL.HLP. HPX.RNH Help file RUNOFF source for VAX/VMS. HPXBUILD.MEM Build and installation instructions for System Manager. HPXUSER.MEM User manual. HPXBUILD.RNO RUNOFF source of HPXBUILD.MEM. HPXUSER.RNO RUNOFF source of HPXUSER.MEM. Read HPXBUILD.MEM for further instructions. CAUTIONARY TALE FOR VMS USERS HPX had suffered horribly at the hands of the VAX-11 RSX developers. It tests all the terminal QIO emulations they don't test. I have generated more tears and SPRs from HPX than any other program I have ever written. It has so far unfailingly ceased to work with every new release of VAX-11 RSX. The code is overloaded with conditionals on the value of V$$AX1, which tells which release to bodge it for. Currently, it has conditionals up to V2.3. If you get a later version, it will probably stop working again. Contact me if desperate (but I don't guarantee I won't be too).