; Enable the following line to build with an overlaid single-buffered FCS ;TK:SPELL/-FP/-SE/MM/CP,MP:SPELL/-SP/-WI/MA=SPELLBLD/MP ; Enable the following line to build with an overlaid multi-buffered FCS ;TK:SPELL/-FP/-SE/MM/CP,MP:SPELL/-SP/-WI/MA=SPEMBFBLD/MP ; Enable the following two lines to build with FCSRES or non-overlaid FCS TK:[3,54]SPELL/-FP/-SE/MM/CP,MP:[1,54]SPELL/-SP=SPELL / TASK=...SPE UNITS=4 ACTFIL=2 ASG=SY:2:3,TI:1:4 STACK=48 ; ; Enable the following line if FCSRES is available and FCS is not overlaid ;LIBR=FCSRES:RO ; Enable the following line on RSX-11M-PLUS if a supervisor mode FCSRES is ; available and FCS is not overlaid: SUPLIB=FCSFSL:SV ; ; Set initial dictionary space big enough for LB:[1,2]SPELL.WRD EXTTSK=21000 //