The SPElling checker is started as: >SPE {{listfile}{,newdict}=}{sourcefile}{,dictn,...}{/switches} where input files are: sourcefile Contains words to be checked [default .RNO] dictn Dictionary files [default .WRD] Dictionaries LB:[1,2]SPELL.WRD & SY:SPELL.WRD are used unless /-DD is given. Outputs are: listfile Contains all words in source not in dictionary [.LST] newdict Contains all words in source plus dictionary [.WRD] The default list file is TI:, i.e. all unknown words are shown on the terminal. The '=' may then be omitted if there is no newdict. Type HELP SPELL SWITCHES for further information. 2 SWITCHES General Switches (default /IG:1/EV/GU/LE:132/WI/SP/-IP/-QU):- /CC:c{:d} Change comment character(s) to c {& d} /IG:n Ignore words of <= n letters /IU Ignore words wholly in upper case /IP Ignore embedded punctuation /-DD Default dictionaries are not used /EV=/-LO Every error is printed, none loaded into dictionary /QU Query user before loading each unknown word /-GU Inhibit word guessing /HE Help -- abbreviated form of this text /LE:n Output files are limited to n chars per line /WI Pack 3 errors per line /FR:n Space for >n letters after loading system dictionary /UC Outputs dictionary in upper case /SP Spool differences file Language switches to select comments only (default according to f3 filetype): /AP = AP120B, /MA = MACRO, /PA = Pascal, /RU = RUNOFF, /FO = FORTRAN /RA = RATFOR, /RT = RTL2, /SA = SAL, /C = C, /BC = BCPL, /TE = text