[200,202] 3D-PLOTTING --------------------- Submitted by: Chris Doran Date: September 1986 Sira Ltd., South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5EH, England. Tel: +44 1 467 2636, Telex: 896649, FAX: +44 1 467 6515 Some 3-D plotting programs in FORTRAN. Includes CACM Algorithm 475, for drawing views solid objects, extended for multiple colours, and the Decus library contour plotting algorithm. Uses the Leeds-Oxford Plotting library, whose calls include: OPENPLOT initialises plotting FRAME starts a new page GREND finishes plotting CRSIZE(HT) sets character height POINT(X,Y) moves to X,Y JOIN(X,Y) joins current point to X,Y BROKEN(N) draws broken lines, type N NEWPEN(N) changes to pen colour N LIMITS(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX) sets page size in cm. REGION(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX) maps user co-ordinates onto LIMITS. PLOTNF(X,Y,VAL,NDP) draw REAL VAL at X,Y, to NDP decimal places. TYPENI(I) draw INTEGER I at current position. PLOTCL(X,Y,STR,LTH) draw BYTE string STR, length LTH, at X,Y. SUPFIX following text is a superscript, until NORMAL. Also uses some string handling subroutines from [200,201]. PLOT3D.RNO is such documentation as available.