[200,203] -- EDT and COMMAND FILES ---------------------------------- Submitted by: Chris Doran Date: September 1988 Sira Ltd., South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5EH, England. Tel: +44 1 467 2636, Telex: 896649, FAX: +44 1 467 6515 AT.EDT .EDT initialisation files for EDT, defining "gold" BASIC.EDT + any keypad key as insertion of language keywords. C.EDT This should save a lot of time and typing errors, once CORAL.EDT you have learned to use them, but that takes some CORALK.EDT willpower. Append EDTLANG.HLP to your EDTHELP.HLP file EDTINI.EDT so that the "gold" H key will work. I can supply some FORTRAN.EDT reference cards on request. Please state VT52 and/or MACRO11.EDT VT100. The kit versions are for EDT V3.0, as supplied MACRO32.EDT with RSX V4.1B. EDT V2.0 defined some keys in a PASCAL.EDT different way. the .HLP files should be edited into the EDTLANG.HLP EDT HELP text. VT52.HLP EDTVT200.DOC Keypad layout for VT2xx/VT3xx, including special function keys defined by the above. ************************************************************************************ Some useful general-purpose Indirect command files. Sorry, no documentation yet, type @filename ? for all that's available. Most of these will need editing for individual systems. (Note especially, that we have a non-standard SRD -- adjust switches and column positions in the output file if necessary.) COMPILE.CMD Huge command file that knows how to compile/link/ COMPILINS.CMD run/edit/compile/link ... programs written in various COMPILE.RNO languages (not always DEC versions). Enter COMPILE.CMD in your Indirect library directory under the name of each language (PIP @COMPILINS will do this for you). Then @language main subr1 subr2 subr3 ... will hold your hand during program development cycles. I am working on an RT-11 V5 version. COMPILE.RNO is preliminary documentation. SCOPY.CMD Selective file copy. Uses SRD to do a directory listing, then asks you which files you want to copy, like selective delete. INIT.CMD Helps format/bad block/initialise a disk or tape. OPS.CMD Performs a SRD directory listing, and then allows you to specify skeleton command lines to be constructed/ executed on the selected files. MAGTAPE.CMD Controls magtape updates -- initialise, copy to/from tape, delete files via a scratch disk, etc.. Note that for internal archiving purposes, it requires tapes to be called SIRnnn, but this can easily be removed. DECTAPE.CMD Ditto, for (very very slow!) DECtape-II operations. You can queue a series of commands and go away and leave it. Apology: SCOPY and OPS aren't my latest versions, and do contain some known bugs. However, I can't find the latest files at the time of writing! Contact me if desperate. According to my notes, the changes were fairly minor.