{ Version File:EX:[22,320]GCCI.CON Author: Jim Bostwick 13-Sep-84 History: Feb 17,89 - added control C status bit Last Edit: 17-FEB-1989 21:08:30 } {*USER* This file defines various control bit flags used by GCCI as constants. Prior definition of GENERAL3.TYP, BITS.TYP, and GCCI.TYP are assumed. Unlike the type definitions, these constants need be defined (included) only in modules which actually use them. The constants are of the form GC_xxx, which exactly mimics the MACRO symbol definitions with the "_" replacing the MACRO ".". The no-command definitions are octal values, while the flags byte are bit names. This follows usage. } CONST { The no-command values specify the action to be taken (by the system) when GCCI is called, but no command is available. GC_CND may be OR-ed with one of the others. The other three are mutually exclusive. These are used in the GCCI_nocommand word of GCCI_Info_rec record. } GC_CCS = 0; { return with Carry Set (default) } GC_CEX = 1; { force CLI to exit rather than returning } GC_CST = 2; { force CLI to stop rather than returning } GC_CND = 200B;{ copy command into buffer, but do not deque it from executive's internal command que } { The flags bits are used in the GCCI_flags word of GCCI_Info_rec record.} GC_CNL = b1; { null command line } GC_CTE = b2; { prompt from task exit } GC_CTC = b7; { Control-C notification packet }