.TITLE NTABT .ENABLE LC .IDENT /101488/ ; ; Description: NTABT - Abort Network Link ; File: [22,310]NTABT.MAC ; Author: Jim Bostwick 1-JUN-1988 ; Last Edit: 15-NOV-1988 12:10:11 ; History: ; 3-AUG-1989 10:50:29 - JMB - changed location of PASMAC (again) ; 15-NOV-88 12:00:00 - JMB - Conform to AMI Header specs. ; ; 23-JUN-1988 21:17:01 - JMB PA3UTL upgrade. ; .REM | {*CALL*} Procedure NTABT ( Lun: Integer; efn: Event_flag; msg: CH16; VAR IOSB: IO_Status_block );External; {*USER* Immediately abort specified logical link. All pending traffic on the link is killed, and the LUN freed. EFN is required (do NOT use f0), and is set when the abort completes (will be set upon return). MSG is an optional user data string which is sent to the other end of the link as part of the disconnect message. It may be of zero length (in-use length). It is recommended that an empty type-0 string be used if no user message is desired. Control returns when the abort completes. } {*WIZARD* } | ; ; Assemble with PASMAC.MAC as prefix file. ; .library /lb:[1,1]netlib.mlb/ .include /pas$utl:pasmac.mac/ .MCALL ABTW$S PROC NTABT PARAM lun, Integer ; lun of link to be killed PARAM efn, Char ; (byte) Event flag PARAM msg, 16*Char ; user data PARAM iosb, address ; io status block SAVE BEGIN mov sp, r0 ; get local copy movb efn(sp), r1 ; copy efn bic #^C377, r1 ; zap high byte mov #16., r3 ; set msg length mov sp, r2 ; point at msg add #msg, r2 tstb (r2) ; zero length msg? bne 10$ ; no - send it clr r2 ; say no msg clr r3 10$: ABTW$S lun(r0),r1,iosb(r0),, ENDPR .END