.TITLE NTCLS .ENABLE LC .IDENT /010688/ ; ; Description: End Task Network Operations ; File: [22,310]NTCLS.MAC ; Author: Jim Bostwick 1-JUN-1988 ; Last Edit: 15-NOV-1988 12:16:05 ; History: ; 3-AUG-1989 10:50:29 - JMB - changed location of PASMAC (again) ; 15-NOV-88 12:00:00 - JMB - Conform to AMI Header specs. ; 23-JUN-1988 21:17:12 - JMB PA3UTL upgrade. ; ; .REM | {*CALL*} Procedure NTCLS ( Lun: Integer; Efn: Event_flag; VAR Iosb: Io_Status_block );External; {*USER* This call ends all task network activity. All open logical links are aborted, and all network luns are freed. Most pending network activity is discarded. If incomming connect requests are in the network data queue, the task is rescheduled. } {*WIZARD* AST not implemented. } | ; ; Assemble with PASMAC.MAC as prefix file. ; .library /lb:[1,1]netlib.mlb/ .include /pas$utl:pasmac.mac/ .MCALL CLSW$S PROC NTCLS PARAM LUN, Integer PARAM EFN, Char PARAM IOSB, Address SAVE BEGIN mov sp, r0 movb efn(sp), r1 bic #^C377, r1 CLSW$S lun(r0),r1,iosb(r0) ENDPR .END