========> [265,001]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [MCE] - slightly modified MCE from DECUS Europe F'89 The latest version of MCE from DECUS Europe is as good a command line editor as has appeard for RSX. I have put in a very minor hack to add a 'PAUSE' command. This command causes MCE to detach the terminal and execute a STOP. You UNSTOP it to resume MCE. This is very useful for those situations where MCE gets in the way of other things you're trying to do. Thanks to DECUS Europe for producing the MCE program! Jim Bostwick Cargill Inc. Research Bldg. Applied Math and Instrumentation P.O. Box 9300 Minneapolis, MN 55440 ========> [343,030]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== GREP V2.00 Bruce R. Mitchell Machine Intelligence and Industrial Magic Consultants to the RSX Community 390 North Shore Drive RR #1, Box 216 Fountain City, WI 54629 (608) 687-4015 This is the distribution kit for GREP V2.00. GREP (Get Regular Expression) has been around in the RSX community for many years. While working on a project which demanded much searching of poorly documented source modules, I pulled GREP source off an old SIG tape. After diddling with it some time, it became apparent some things should have been done differently. In particular, I/O buffering should have been faster. This new version of GREP is the result. It supports the following features: - Decimal file version number handling - Adjustable input file multi-big-buffering - Brightness bolding of located text on DEC_CRT terminals - Generic or optional exact searching - Optional located text pointers below located record - Optional identification of build parameters - Correct handling of wildcarded searches for ;0 and ;-1 - Optional leading record numbers on located record The multibuffering big buffer size is tunable by changing the value BBCT in the source file. 16 seems to work well. The bigger BBCT, the faster the program runs. Systems without decimal version numbers or the FEAT$ directive should comment the definition of R$$FEA, which controls automatic handling of decimal version numbers. I like it. Why not? I wrote it. I think you will like it too. Please send any suggestions or bug fixes to the address above. ========> [351,144]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== TEM - Terminal EMulator for RSX -- Version: 90.012 Page 1 Author: T. R. Wyant III, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Richmond, VA. Operating System: RSX11M+ V2.0 forward, RSX-11M V4.0 forward, RSX-11S V4.0 forward, VAX-11 RSX V2.0 forward. Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 16KW Other Hardware Required: Dial-out Modem Keywords: RSX-11; Communications; Terminal Emulator Abstract: TEM provides "dumb" terminal emulation over a full duplex TT: line. It allows the user to "become" a terminal on a remote system, and to do ASCII file transfer between systems. TEM has been used to communicate with RSX, VMS, RSTS, and TOPS-20 sys- tems, as well as non-DEC equipment. It requires no software on the remote system (and therefore has no error checking). In addition to the basic functionality, TEM can automati- cally issue canned commands to smart modems at the beginning and end of a session. The user can also select from the fol- lowing features: * Local Echo. * Automatic linefeed on carriage return. * Passthru of control/s, control/q, control/o and control/x to the remote system. * User selectable attention and end-of-file characters. * Inbound and outbound character mapping. * Specifiable record delay and prompt character for file transfer. * Parity generation and checking. * Eight-bit character support. * Input line analysis, in ASCII, binary, octal, decimal, or hex. TEM requires at least RSX-11M+ V2.0, VAX-11 RSX V2.0, RSX-11M V4.0, or RSX-11S V4.0. If running under RSX-11M or RSX-11S, it requires the full-duplex TT: driver, get/set mul- tiple characteristics, and unsolicited input AST's. Correct access of named directories and files numbered in decimal re- quires the FEAT$ directive. The GIN$ directive is used to pre- vent nonprivileged users from using TEM to read files that are none of their business (eg: LB:[0,0]RSX11.SYS). An attempt has been made to conditionalize TEM for RSX-11M V3.2, but I have no way to check it. TEM can be initiated from and commun- icate with any reasonable serial device, but there may be res- trictions if not being used on a TT:-type device. ========> [374,100]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [AMIRTR] - Cargill AMI Message Router This directory contains sources and some test programs for the message router program. Allong with [MESSAGE] and [DECNET], this directory comprises a system for extending M-PLUS Variable Send Data directives across DECNET. These programs are written in a combination of MACRO-11 and Oregon (ne' OMSI) Pascal. They require our utility library in addition to OMSI Pascal. Our library has been on several recent SIG tapes. Both it, and a refined version of the message software will be on the Fall '90 RSX SIG tape. Jim Bostwick Cargill Inc. Research Bldg. Applied Math and Instrumentation P.O. Box 9300 Minneapolis, MN 55440 ========> [374,101]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [DECNET] - Oregon Pascal DECNET interface routines This directory contains a set of routines to allow programs written in Oregon (ne' OMSI) Pascal to access DECNET intertask communication facilities. Some test and demonstration programs are also included. In addition to the compiler, our utility library is also required. The utility library has been on several recent RSX Sig tapes. Both it, and a revised version of this software, will be on the F'90 tape. It should be relatively easy to adapt this code for use with Pascal-11. Jim Bostwick Cargill Inc. Research Bldg. Applied Math and Instrumentation P.O. Box 9300 Minneapolis, MN 55440 ========> [374,102]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [MESSAGE] - Cargill AMI Message Router This directory contains sources and some test programs for the message router program. Allong with [AMIRTR] and [DECNET], this directory comprises a system for extending M-PLUS Variable Send Data directives across DECNET. These programs are written in a combination of MACRO-11 and Oregon (ne' OMSI) Pascal. They require our utility library in addition to OMSI Pascal. Our library has been on several recent SIG tapes. Both it, and a refined version of the message software will be on the Fall '90 RSX SIG tape. Jim Bostwick Cargill Inc. Research Bldg. Applied Math and Instrumentation P.O. Box 9300 Minneapolis, MN 55440 ========> [374,124]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains a symbolic debugger which runs on RSX-11M-PLUS. Complete details may be found in DBG.DOC. A program to symbolically examine and modify non-overlaid task images (KTZ) may be built from these sources using TSKIMG.MAC and KTZBLD.CMD. Commands are identical to those for the debugger except execution is not possible. Assemble and build KTZ using the following MCR commands. Replace [DBG] with wherever you put the code. MAC @DBGASM ! Sorry, this takes a while. MAC TSKIMG=LB:[1,1]EXEMC/ML,SY:[DBG]DBGPRE/PA:1,TSKIMG TKB @KTZBLD KTZ command line format: KTZ taskimage[.TSK][/RO] Submitted by Dave Mischler to the RSX BBS (612/777-7664), for inclusion on the S'89 RSX Sig Tape. Also available for download from the BBS. Jim Bostwick