Contents of the European 1990 RSX SIGtape EURSX90 ------------------------------------------------- The following gives you a short overview of all the directories on the EURSX90 Tape. Submissions come from Holland and Germany. Thanks to all who contributed and helped us to prepare this tape. If you find any errors or problems please contact your national RSX delegate or: Volker C. Huck, RSX Vice Chair Techn. University Darmstadt, Nucl. Physics Inst. Schlossgartenstr.9, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany Tel. +49 6151 16-5152, FAX: +49 6151 4321 Mail: XLINHUCK@DDATHD21.BITNET, PSI%026245050260709::HUCK =============== [263,001] ================================================= This directory contains an update to BRUREAD, a program to read RSX BRU backup sets under VMS. The modifications were applied to Adrian Weiler's submission to the U.S. Fall 1989 VAX SIG tape, part 1 (VAX89B1) that appeared in directory [.BRUREAD]. =============== [264,001] ================================================= This directory contains a number of utilities that were developed years ago. It varies from assembling, compiling and taskbuilding together with a cleanup, ringing the terminal bell, conversion of time from hh:mm:ss to s v.v., real to octal v.v. and showing the greatest multiple devisor of two numbers to a task that spawns commands to another terminal. Some are modified from publications in the Multi_Tasker. Many are still in use. Try them, most programs run also under CP/RSX if rebuild. =============== [264,002] ================================================= This directory contains a variety of tape routines. It varies from displaying the ANSI label blocks on a tape, setting up a tape for use, winding to EOV, to testing for bad blocks. Try them, maybe they are as useful for you as they were for us. Most of them were developed long ago. =============== [264,003] ================================================= This directory contains some copy utilities acquired about ten years ago while running RSX-11M V3.2. I haven't used them for a very long time, so I'm not sure how they perform now. MCP is a simple tape-to-tape copy program (Piet van Oostrom, May 1979). It can be used with 800 or 1600 bpi tapes. If no two drives are available copying can be performed via an intermediate disk file. XMT (Piet van Oostrom, September 1977) converts files from various formats to other formats, e.g. ASCII to EBCDIC v.v.. It contains swithes for all kinds of conversions. =============== [264,004] ================================================= This directory contains a number of utilities that were developed long ago by Han Lasance when we were still running RSX-11m V3.2. They vary from showing active tasks, ringing the terminal bell, retrieving the number of free and contiguous blocks of a disk, display all devices, task ID, modify homeblock, etc. Some are still in use. =============== [264,005] ================================================= This directory contains the files to comprise the batch package for RSX-11M as developed by Han Lasance many years ago. The working of this package was described at sessions given during the DECUS Holland and Europe symposia in 1989. BATCH allows for running interactive programs in a batch-like mode under RSX-11M while making use of the Indirect Commandfile Processor and a special driver. =============== [264,006] ================================================= This directory contains the Push-button driver for the LK-11 push-button box. It was developed long ago by Han Lasance when we still running RSX-11M V3.2. The directory contains the following =============== [264,007] ================================================= This directory contains a driver to read IRIG B time-coded data from a Systron-Donner Time-code Decoder/Generator through a DR11-K. Maybe that's why is was given the name RKDRV. It was developed long ago by Han Lasance and used to run under RSX-11M V3.2. Recently the driver was modified to be used with the parallel I/O port of the KXJ11-CA running CoProcessor/RSX. =============== [264,010] ================================================= This directory contains a software package for remote control of the Honeywell 101 instrumentation recorder. It was developed in spring 1982 by Han Lasance under RSX-11M V3.2 It has not been tested with higher versions. =============== [264,011] ================================================= This directory contains an accounting package for RSX-11M developed by Han Lansance in spring 1982 under RSX-11M V3.2; it has run under V4.0. The accounting package logs start and end times per terminal for predefined projects. A project name must be entered at login to get access to the system. A service program LOGFIL enables the creation of a new account file, add or delete accounts and/or projects, or list accounting data. =============== [264,013] ================================================= This directory contains a number of games I got from a friend just over ten years ago while we were still running RSX-11M V3.2 Today, some run others don't, maybe they need a VT52. =============== [264,014] ================================================= This directory contains contributions from James Schultz and Tom Wyant for the Fall 1986 tape (RSX86B) concerning explanations and usage examples of the Indirect Commandfile Processor. They were brought together in this directory for ease of use. =============== [264,015] ================================================= This directory contains a number of commandfile procedures that I have found useful at some time. Many were developed long ago when we were still running RSX-11M V3.2, a number are still in use today. Some are just demo's for learning to use IND, others help me with system management. =============== [265,001] ================================================= This directory contains the new version MCE V4.24 Commandline Editor from Hans Hamakers, ABB Industrie b.v. =============== [265,002] ================================================= This directory contains some old but usefull tools 1. EXA look at a textfile 1 page at a time 2. EXR EXamine Records 3. EXF,EXP,EXT Extracts errors out of Listings and MAPs =============== [266,001] ================================================= Search is a utility to search for strings in 1 or more files. Everything is written in assembler, using FCS. =============== [300,003] SIG Tape Summary ================================ This directory contains a summary of all RSX SIGtapes submiited by Jan Belgraver. =============== [352,110] ================================================= This directory contains RENUM, a program which will renumber a Fortran program so that all statement labels in each compilation unit are numbered in ascending order. The program currently generates labels starting with label 10 and increasing in steps of 10, but this can be easily changed by modifying the LOOKUP routine. =============== [363,001] ================================================= This directory contains the Online Pool Analyzer (OPA), a utility to let you have a snapshot look at your pool. This is an updated version by Uwe Schmeling, Germany, to be run on RSX-11M-Plus and P/OS. It also knows about DECnet structures and LAT terminals. =============== [363,002] ================================================= DISASM is based on an old program submitted by L.H. GERHARDSTEIN in 1973. It was modified to work with RSX11M+ (V4.1). There are some enhancements and corrections mainly within module 'disasm.mac'. The structures of the task-header were brought up-to-date. =============== [363,003] ================================================= USE - displays the TOPCPU usage tasks, (vectored) privileged task This was changed to support vectored systems now mapping to external headers is implemented tested with RSX11M+/V4.1 FMX - this is a new utility, which displays all tasks which are mapped to a special common =============== [364,002] ================================================= This directory contains a user written CLI to make an account captive and also two CLIs that provide a logging for MCR and DCL commands. It is used in a production environment to give the privileged users a set of commands that allow them to do whatever is needed to control the machines and nothing else.