C+ C Title: LBCCOM C Author: T. R. Wyant C Date: 09-Sep-1987 C Modified: C Remarks: C This include file describes the common area C that the various parts of LBC use for communication. C C The values for EX.ENA (and any other F11ACP codes that C may get added) are documented in [13,10]F11PRE.MAC. C- PARAMETER EFSYNC = 1 ! Sync. event flag. PARAMETER EXSWAR = 0 ! Exit status of Warning. PARAMETER EXSSUC = 1 ! Exit status of SUCCESS. PARAMETER EXSERR = 2 ! Exit status of ERROR. PARAMETER IMXBLK = 64 ! Max. blocks to copy. PARAMETER EXENA = '200'O ! Enable bit for extend. PARAMETER IOEXT = '11400'O ! Extend file. PARAMETER IORAT = '13000'O ! Read file attributes PARAMETER IORLB = '1000'O ! Read logical block PARAMETER IORVB = '10400'O ! Read virtual block PARAMETER IOWAT = '13400'O ! Write file attributes PARAMETER IOWLB = '400'O ! Write logical block PARAMETER IOWVB = '11000'O ! Write virtual block PARAMETER LUNTO = 5 ! Terminal Output LUN. PARAMETER LUNTI = 5 ! Terminal Input LUN PARAMETER LUNIN = 1 ! Input LUN. PARAMETER LUNOUT = 2 ! Output LUN. PARAMETER LUNTRC = 4 ! Trace output LUN. PARAMETER UC1DSK = '140010'O ! U.CW1 req'd for disk PARAMETER UC1DNO = '001700'O ! U.CW1 ignore for disk PARAMETER UC1TAP = '000140'O ! U.CW1 req'd for disk PARAMETER UC1TNO = '140621'O ! U.CW1 ignore for disk INTEGER*2 ATRLST (2, 4) ! File attribute list. INTEGER*4 CPYSIZ ! Size of the copy. INTEGER*2 CSIZBK ! Current I/O size in blocks. INTEGER*2 CSIZMX ! Maximum I/O size in blocks. INTEGER*2 DEVSLN (2) ! Input and output spec length. CHARACTER*64 DEVSPC (2) ! Input & output specs. LOGICAL*1 DEVBYT (64, 2) ! Input & output specs. INTEGER*2 DSWR5 ! = Rad-50 "DSW" INTEGER*2 ERRARG (4) ! User arguments for ERRORS. INTEGER*2 EXSTAT ! Exit status. LOGICAL*1 ERRBYT (80) ! Error text (for ERRORS) INTEGER*2 ERRDEV ! Error unit (1=input, 2=output) CHARACTER*80 ERRTXT ! Error text (for ERRORS) INTEGER*2 FRCXIT ! Exit control from LBCERR. INTEGER*2 ICUBLK (2, 2) ! Current block. INTEGER*2 ICUINB (2) ! Current input block. INTEGER*2 ICUOUB (2) ! Current output block. INTEGER*2 INTERA ! .TRUE. if interactive. INTEGER*2 IOFUNC (2) ! I/O function codes, each devic INTEGER*2 IOR5 ! = Rad-50 "IO" INTEGER*4 JCUBLK (2) ! Current block. INTEGER*4 JCUINB ! Current input block. INTEGER*4 JCUOUB ! Current output block. INTEGER*2 OUTDAT (18) ! Date and revision info. INTEGER*2 OUTFID (3) ! Output file ID. INTEGER*2 OUTNEW ! .TRUE. if new output file. INTEGER*2 OUTPRO ! Output file protection. INTEGER*2 OUTUFA (16) ! Output file user attributes. INTEGER*2 PARAMS (6) ! QIO parameters. INTEGER*2 STATYP ! Status type. INTEGER*2 STATUS (3) ! Status code. EQUIVALENCE (DEVBYT, DEVSPC) EQUIVALENCE (ERRBYT, ERRTXT) EQUIVALENCE (ICUBLK (1,1), ICUINB, JCUINB, JCUBLK) EQUIVALENCE (ICUBLK (1,2), ICUOUB, JCUOUB) COMMON /LBCCOM/ CPYSIZ, CSIZBK, DEVSLN, DEVBYT, DSWR5, 1 ERRARG, EXSTAT, ERRDEV, ERRBYT, FRCXIT, ICUBLK, 2 IOFUNC, IOR5, PARAMS, STATYP, STATUS, 3 OUTFID, OUTPRO, OUTUFA, OUTDAT, ATRLST, OUTNEW, 4 INTERA, CSIZMX DATA DSWR5 /3RDSW/ DATA IOR5 /3RIO /