DECUS 11-296 L. Robert Morris Carleton University Ottawa, Canada & Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, MA Fast Digital Signal Processing Software Package for the PDP-11. This software package consists of a number of digital signal processing programs optimized for maximum speed on PDP-11 computers. Initial components are radix 2 fixed-point FFT, radix 4 floating-point FFT, fixed-point autocorrelation, and floating-point autocorrelation matrix solution. The latter two programs are useful in linear predicitve speech coding. All fixed-point programs require the EIS instruction set (LSI-11, 11/34,40,45,55,70) and all floating-point programs require the FPP instruction set (11/34,45,55,70 with FFP). 11/55 (bipolar) benchmarks are: 1024 point real FFT, 62msec (fixed point), 89 msec (floating point; 128x12 fixed-point autocorrelation, 32 bit results, 5.3 msec; 12th order floating-point autocorrelation matrix solution, 1.82msec. November, 1976. AUTOKN.BLD 8 01-Nov-76 14 BUTMUF.MAC 10 01-Nov-76 22 FTMULF.BLD 9 01-Nov-76 32 FFTIN9.FOR 2 01-Nov-76 41 XSOLVE.FOR 8 01-Nov-76 43 SOLVE .MAC 5 01-Nov-76 51 AUTOIL.BLD 8 01-Nov-76 56 RX10B .FOR 2 01-Nov-76 64 RX10 .FOR 2 01-Nov-76 66 RX4BUT.MAC 21 01-Nov-76 68 RAD4 .BLD 15 01-Nov-76 89 FFTIN4.FOR 2 01-Nov-76 104 CTORS .MAC 3 01-Nov-76 106 BUTMUS.MAC 9 01-Nov-76 109 FTMULS.BLD 7 01-Nov-76 118 15 Files, 111 Blocks