DECUS RUNOFF - VERSION M02.4 This release of DECUS RUNOFF is compatible with the previous text processing SIG's version M02. Several enhancements and fixes have been made. Please read the release notes in RNOM24.DOC first, then follow the directions below (taken from the manual RUNOFF.DOC) for installation of this version. The RSX-11M/M+ installation has changed completely (for the better/easier). Bob Denny 01-Dec-81 APPENDIX A BUILDING RUNOFF RSX-11M and RSX-11M-PLUS All command files follow the standard RSX-11M conventions. Procedure: 1. Transfer all files to an empty UIC. It is important that no other files be present in this UIC! You should be a privileged user. 2. Type @RNOBLD and respond to the questions asked. 3. Set the UIC to the system UIC (usually [1,54]). 4. Copy RNO.TSK to the system UIC. 5. If desired, install RNO. It is built to run in GEN partition. RSX-11M UNMAPPED SYSTEMS Users of unmapped systems should follow the procedure outlined for mapped systems, but selecting UICs as appropriate. File RNOBLD.CMD will have to be edited to delete the /MM switch and to change the PAR directive to match system requirements. RSX-11D/IAS Users of RSX-11D/IAS should follow the procedure outlined for users of RSX-11M Mapped systems. Since the conventions for source and object files are installation dependent, all .CMD and .ODL files should be edited accordingly. Additionally, RSX-11D/IAS users should alter RNOBLD.CMD to change the /MM switch to /MU and to change the PAR directive as needed. Alternatively, IAS users may use command file RNOIAS.CMD to assemble and build RUNOFF. The command file contains parameters to set the default switches, default paper size (for /- protection code if it is desirable for all users on the system to access it. RT-11 First copy all of the files from the distribution medium to a disk with at least 500 blocks free. Delete the files RUNOFF.RNO and RUNOFF.DOC from the disk. Assign that disk as DK:Then type: @RNOASM After the assembly is complete, link RUNOFF by typing: @RNOLNK There should be no error messages. RUNOFF takes approximately 8KW of memory. If it is desired to make RUNOFF smaller, the definition of the symbol H$$PHN in the file RNPRE.MAC may be edited out, which will eliminate the hyphenation feature. then the file RNOLNK.COM should be edited to remove the line which links HYPHEN.OBJ into RUNOFF. Reassemble RUNOFF.MAC and relink.