.; .; RUNOFF RSX-11M generation command file. .; By Bob Denny 7-Aug-81 .; .ENABLE SUBSTITUTION ; ; RUNOFF Version M02.4 generation. ; ; This procedure builds RUNOFF Version M02.4 on RSX-11M/M+. ; ; NOTE ; This procedure MUST be run in a UIC where RUNOFF files are the ; ONLY files in the directory!!! ; .SETS LI "NL:" .SETS MP "NL:" .ASK X Assemble RUNOFF modules and create new RNO.OLB .IFF X .GOTO 50 .ASK X Do you want assembly listings .IFT X .SETS LI "SY:" ASN 'LI'=LI: ; ; Starting assembly in parallel ... .ENABLE QUIET .; NOTE: This hack is necessary due to a bug in IND with spawn/stop .; support where it always waits on ...MAC regardless of its .; true multiuser task name. INS $BIGMAC/TASK=...ZXY/CKP=YES/PAR=GEN .XQT ZXY @RNOASM .DISABLE QUIET .50: ; .ASK X Do you want a task builder map .IFT X .SETS MP "SY:" ASN 'MP'=MP: ; .SETS PAR "GEN" .SETS MAPD "MM" .ASK X Are you running an unmapped system .IFF X .GOTO 100 .SETS MAPD "-MM" .DISABLE LOWERCASE .ASKS PAR Partition Name .ENABLE LOWERCASE .100: .SETS ODL "RNO" .ASK FCS Build with FCSRES resident library .IFT FCS .SETS ODL "RNOFCS" .200: ; ; RUNOFF requires working memory in which to build the index for a ; document. The current version requires that this space be allocated ; at taskbuild time. Normally, 4K words is more than enough. ; .ASKN [::4096.] EXT How many (decimal) words of index buffer ; .ASKN [::66.] LPP How many (hardware) lines on a page ; ; Specify switch defaults. The default switch value is ; formed by or-ing the following bit mask values. ; ; /FF 1 FORM FEEDS (1=YES; 0=SIMULATE WITH LINE FEEDS) ; /HY 2 HYPHENATE OUTPUT (1=YES) ; /WA 4 WAIT BETWEEN PAGES (1=YES) ; /SP 10 SPOOL OUTPUT FILE (1=YES) ; /UC 20 FORCE ALL UPPER CASE (1=YES) ; .ASKN [0:24:13] INISW Default switch word ; ; Specify default underlining mode. The permissible values are ; shown below: ; ; 102 = /UL:B BACKSPACE/UNDERLINE ; 114 = /UL:L UNDERLINE/OVERPRINT ; 116 = /UL:N SUPRESS UNDERLINING ; 123 = /UL:S SIMULATE WITH HYPHEN ON NEXT LINE ; .ASKN [::114] IUL Default underlining mode ; ; Creating RNOBLD.TKB for your configuration ... ; PIP RNOBLD.TKB;*/DE/NM .OPEN RNOBLD.TKB .ENABLE DATA ; ; TASK BUILD RUNOFF M02.4 ; RNO/'MAPD'/CP/-FP,MP:RNO/-SP='ODL'/MP TASK=...RNO PAR='PAR' ASG=TI:1:2:3:4 STACK=64 EXTTSK='EXT' GBLPAT=RNO:HWLPP:'LPP' GBLPAT=RNO:INI$SW:'INISW' GBLPAT=RNO:IUL:'IUL' .DISABLE DATA .IFT FCS .DATA LIBR=FCSRES:RO .DATA / .CLOSE ; .IFNINS ZXY .GOTO 300 ; Waiting for assembly to finish. .WAIT ZXY .IF NE 1 .GOTO 400 REM ZXY ; Build the RNO.OLB object library PIP RNO.OBS=*.OBJ .IFNINS LBR INS $LBR LBR RNO/CR=RNO.OBS .IF NE 1 .GOTO 400 PIP *.OBJ;*/DE/NM,RNO.OBS;*/DE/NM .300: ; Taskbuild ... ; .IFNINS TKB INS $BIGTKB TKB @RNOBLD.TKB .IF NE 1 .GOTO 400 ; ; RNO build complete. Transfer RNO.TSK to LB:''. ; Have fun. ; .EXIT .400: ;OOPS! ;There has been some error in assembly or taskbuild. ;Correct the problem (?) and try again. .IFINS ZXY REM ZXY ;