DATA I/O System 19 Universal PROM Programmer Subroutines and Utility Program May, 1982 Ken Sutin Rehabilitation Engineering Center c/o Dept of Orthopaedics Cuyahoga County Hospital Cleveland, Ohio 44109 This software consists of a collection of subroutines and a general purpose program to read from and to write to PROMs with the Data I/O System 19 Universal PROM Programmer. The inline device driver is written in MACRO and most subroutines and the utility program is written in RATFOR Y20.4 (Rational Fortran, submitted to DECUS in 1980 by Robert Denny). For compatibility with users that do not have the RATFOR preprocessor, a copy of the Fortran sources has also been providied. The software is listed in the file PRMBAK.COM which may be used for transferring all modules from one device to another. A second command file, PRMAK.COM may be used to build the software. Prior to this, however, it is necessary to edit the file PRMDRV.MAC and to insert the correct the vector and CSR address for the serial line unit port that will be used to communicate with the programmer. There is no documentation for the utility program PROM.SAV, however, it is pretty simple, and it does have a HELP command that provides reasonably detailed instructions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been carried out at the Rehabilitation Engineer- ing Center at Case Western Reserve University which is funded by the National Institute of Handicapped Research Grant No. G001005815.