; BOARD.FD FILE DEFINITATION RECORD FOR THE 'BOARD' PROGRAMS ; PROGRAMMER RON TENNY 2/1/83 RECORD NAMES ; This record defines the entries in the "BOARD.FIL" user name file NCODE ,A3 ;NAME OR INITIAL CODE OF USER ,A1 NAME ,A26 ;FULL NAME OF USER RECORD ; Initial codes of the departments: OWN=owners, MGR=managers, SLS=salesmen, OFC=office, WAR=warehouse, ALL=everyone GRPA ,6A3, & 'OWN', & 'MGR', & 'SLS', & 'OFC', & 'WAR', & 'ALL' RECORD BHEAD ;This is the private account for every user on the system BINIT ,A3 ;Private name code OR initials ;private users code or initials ,A15 ;Header identifier ;(Fill with '*' to identify not a message) BDESC ,A30 ;Private user description ;users account description ,A1 ;BLANK BCLR ,D1 ;Clearance code X ;1=OWNERS, THRU 6 FOR "ALL" CLEARANCE ,A1 ;BLANK BGRP1 ,A3 ;OWN (Owner) permission ;set to 'OWN' to read owners messages BGRP2 ,A3 ;MGR (Manager) permission ;set to 'MGR' to read manager messages BGRP3 ,A3 ;SLS (Sales) permission ;set to 'SLS' to read sales messages BGRP4 ,A3 ;OFC (Office) permission ;set to 'OFC' to read office messages BGRP5 ,A3 ;WAR (Warehouse) permission ;set to 'WAR' to read warehouse messages BGRP6 ,A3 ;ALL (Everyone) permission ;set to 'ALL' to read general messages ,A1 ;BLANK BCHA ,A6 ;Program to chain to ;for users only (not groups) ,A426 ;BLANK ; VARNAM ,A120 ;-- put screen text here--------------- XX-put mask here-XXX ;-- Comments can start here---------------- BPSWD ,A6 ;Private password ;for users only (not groups) ;------------------------ ; 508 bytes RECORD ,X ,A51 BGRP ,6A3 RECORD GHEAD ;This is the department group header for each area within the company GCODE ,A3 ;Group header ID code ;Eg: 'OWN' or 'ALL' ,A15 ;BLANK GDESC ,A30 ;Group header description ;Description of group name ,A460 ;Same data as for user ;------------------------ ; 508 bytes RECORD BLINE ;This is the message record area BCODE ,A3 ;Group ID code BDATE ,D6 ;Message date XX/XX/XX ;REVERSED (YYMMDD) BFROM ,A3 ;Message sender BTIME ,D6 ;Message time ZZ:XX:XX ;(HHMMSS) BDAYS ,D2 ;Days before deletion ZX ;BEFORE AUTO-DELETION BY 'BRDUPD' PROGRAM BDEL ,D1 ;Delete code X ;not used at this time.... ,A7 ;BLANK BTEXT1 ,A60 ;Message text 1 BTEXT2 ,A60 ;Message text 2 BTEXT3 ,A60 ;Message text 3 BTEXT4 ,A60 ;Message text 4 BTEXT5 ,A60 ;Message text 5 BTEXT6 ,A60 ;Message text 6 BTEXT7 ,A60 ;Message text 7 BTEXT8 ,A60 ;Message text 8 ;------------------------ ; 508 bytes RECORD,X BKEY ,A18 ;ACCESS KEY ,A10 BTEXT ,8A60 RECORD DISPL ,A10,'--------- ' DES ,A30 ,A40,' ---------------------------------------' RECORD FRO ,A20,' Message sent by: ' MFROM ,A7 ,A7 ,'Date: ' MDATE ,A5 ,A15,' Time: ' MTIME ,A8 ,A11,' Days: ' MDAYS ,A2 ,A5 RECORD BCHAIN ,A10,'EXE: ' PASWD ,A6 GRPCN ,D1 DAYS ,D2 PLINE ,D2