ALL***************GENERAL INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES 6 ...............ALL NOCHAN - ALL830205RON10285400 Welcome to the "Tenny Electronic Bulletin Board" We hope you will find the utility and convenience as much a benefit to your company as ours does. Besides my account you are now logged into now, you may wish to log into the following accounts and check out their mail as each of the users belongs to one of the 5 group accounts: OWN=owners, MGR=managers, SLS=sales, OFC=office, WAR=warehse ALL830205RON10343700 GT is George Tenny's OWNER's account, password 852963 BD is Bruno DeFazio's MANAGER's account, password WARNER CT is Carol Tucci's SALES account, password PANDA GU is Gloria Unger's OFFICE account, password 248690 GH is Gordie Howe's WAREHOUSE account, password 565123 Have a good day, may God bless you in your business as you seek to serve Him as he has done in ours. Ron Tenny BD ***************BRUNO De FAZIO's messages 2 ...MGRSLS......ALL INFO WARNER BD 830205CT 10533599 Bruno, Pete needs the car Tuesday so could you pick my up at home that day. Thanks Carol I can drive all next week, so your wife can plan on the car.. CT ***************CAROL TUCCI's messages 3 ......SLSOFC...ALL INFO PANDA DK ***************DAN KING's messages 3 ......SLS......ALL INFO DJK524 DL ***************DAVE LINDSAY's messages 3 ......SLS......ALL INFO 189026 DN ***************DOM NASSO's essages 5 ............WARALL POSHOW BIBLE EZ ***************ELEANOR ZONNEVYLLE's messages 4 .........OFC...ALL APMENU 432915 GH ***************GORDY HOWE's messages 2 ...MGR......WARALL POSHOW 565123 GT ***************GEORGE TENNY's messages 1 OWNMGRSLS...WARALL GEORGE 852963 GT 830205RON10394399 Dad, I heard from Bill Dorr about the lawsuit against IS&R for the refund on the COBOL program generator. He feels sure that since they accepted our purchase order with the 10 day return option, that we are entitled to a refund for the full purchase price since we have returned the mediaand the chrono-guard software lock device. I received a letter from Ron Morris telling us in effect to "try and get it". This one could get messy, I'll keep you posted. Ron GU ***************GLORIA UNGER's messages 4 ......SLSOFC...ALL MENU 248690 JET***************JANET TROUTWINE's messages 3 .........OFC...ALL MENU TYPO LT ***************LON TENNY's messages 1 OWNMGRSLS...WARALL INFO 369950 MA ***************MIKE AZZARONE's messages 5 ............WARALL POSHOW 156823 MGR***************MANAGERS TEAM GROUP messages 2 ...MGRSLSOFC...ALL NOCHAN - MGR830205BD 10591700 We will be having a managers meeting on Thursay, and George asked me to send mail to all managers telling them this is a MUST meeting to attend. Anyone in absence may be sent to the warehouse for the month of March. By the way the meeting is set for 5:30 and will include pizza. Tnx Bruno MH ***************MARION HOWARD's messages 4 .........OFC...ALL MENU 729658 OFC***************OFFICE TEAM GROUP messages 4 .........OFC...ALL NOCHAN - OFC830205GT 10454700 All office staff are to be sure to attend a meeting in my office Tuesday morning at 8 am sharp! I have a man coming our from Macke-Williamson to make some office revision proposals, that I want to pass by all you. Thanks, George OWN***************OWNERS TEAM GROUP messages 1 OWNMGRSLSOFCWARALL NOCHAN - OWN830205GU 11021200 Thanks to all the owners who send me the plant for the funeral of by Dad last week. It meant a lot to my husband and I. God bless you all, Love Gloria RH ***************RENE HOUK'S messages 4 .........OFC...ALL GLMENU JODY RON***************RON TENNY'S private Messages 1 OWNMGRSLSOFCWARALL INFO DIBOL RT ***************RON TENNY's messages 1 OWNMGR...OFC...ALL INFO 7894 SLS***************SALES TEAM GROUP messages 3 ......SLSOFCWARALL NOCHAN - SLS830203LT 11531105 CROSS 40 SERIES (740-40XX) PUMPS WILL NOT BE SHIPPED UNTIL APRIL SO ANY THAT WE ARE OUT OF ---DONT PROMISE QUICK DEL WAR***************WAREHOUSE TEAM GROUP messages 5 ............WARALL NOCHAN - WAR830205GH 10563800 Guys, we received the results of our end of the year inventory and we were within .05% of the DEC's value for the inventory. Congrads on a job well done Gordie ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ