; GEORGE.DBL V-A-X TERMINAL MESSAGE DISPLAY PROGRAM ; COMPILE: GEORGE=GEORGE.DBL ; LINK: GEORGE.EXE=GEORGE ; BUILD: @GEORGE.COM ; PROGRAMMER RON TENNY 12/24/82 ; ; COMMENTS THIS PROGRAM MAY BE MODIFIED TO PROVIDE A SHORT ; MESSAGE TO THE OPERATOR BEFORE CHAINING TO THE "MENU" RECORD ,A80,'The wicked accuse; the Godly defend' ,A80,'The lord blesses good men and condems the wicked' ,A80,'Hard work means prosperity; only the fool idles away his time' ,A80,'A fool thinks he needs no advice, but the wise man listens to others' ,A80,'Truth stands the test of time; lies are soon exposed' ,A80,'The path of the Godly leads to life. so why fear death?' ,A80,'GOD loves those who keep their promises, and hates those who don''t' ,A80,'Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders' ,A80,'Self control means controlling the tongue! a quick retort can ruin everything' ,A80,'A good man hates lies; wicked men lie constantly and come to shame' ,A80,'Some rich people are poor, and some poor people have great wealth' ,A80,'Being kidnapped and held for ransom never worries the poor man' ,A80,'Despise GOD''s word and find yourself in trouble! obey it and succeed' ,A80,'A wise man thinks ahead; a fool dosen''t, and even brags about it' ,A80,'Curses chase sinners, while blessings chase the righteous' ,A80,'To do right honors GOD; to sin is to despise him' ,A80,'Evil men bow before the Godly' ,A80,'A short tempered man is a fool. he hates the man who is patient' ,A80,'A wise man controls his temper. he knows that anger causes mistakes' ,A80,'A relaxed attitude lengthens a man''s life; jealousy rots it away' ,A80,'Reverence for the LORD is a fountain of life; its waters keep a man from death' ,A80,'GODliness exaults a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people' ,A80,'A wise teacher makes learning a joy; a rebellious teacher spouts foolishness' ,A80,'Only the good can give good advise; rebels can''t' ,A80,'A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels' ,A80,'The LORD hates the thoughts of the wicked but delights in kind words' ,A80,'Pleasant sights and good reports give happiness and health' ,A80,'A happy face means a glad heart; a sad face means a breaking heart' ,A80,'Humility and reverence for the LORD will make you both wise and honored' ,A80,'We can make our own plans but the final outcome is in the LORDS hands' ,A80,'Commit your work to the LORD, then it will surely suceed' ,A80,'Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall' ,A80,'This is the day that the LORD hath made, be glad and rejoice in it!' ,A80,'From a wise mind comes careful and persuasive speech' ,A80,'Hunger is good -- if it makes you work to satisfy it' ,A80,'GOD blesses those who obey him; happy is the man who trusts in the LORD' ,A80,'An evil man sows strife; gossip separates the best of friends' ,A80,'Idle hands are the devils workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece' ,A80,'Wickedness loves company -- and leads others into sin' ,A80,'Kind words are like honey -- enjoyable and healthful' ,A80,'Better poor and humble than rich and proud!' ,A80,'We toss the coin, but it is the LORD who controls the outcome' ,A80,'If you want a good reputation with GOD and man--trust only in the LORD' ,A80,'Love forgets mistakes; nagging about them parts the best of friends' ,A80,'If you repay evil for good, a curse is upon your home' ,A80,'The LORD despises those who say that bad is good, and good is bad' ,A80,'It is no fun to be a rebels father' ,A80,'A rebellious son is grief to his father and a bitter blow to his mother' ,A80,'An evil man is suspicious of everyone and tumbles into constant trouble' ,A80,'A wise mans words express deep streams of thought' ,A80,'What dainty morsels rumors are! they are eaten with great relish' ,A80,'The LORD is a strong fortress. the Godly run to him and are safe' ,A80,'A lazy man is a brother to the saboteur' ,A80,'Pride ends in destruction; humility ends in honor' ,A80,'What a shame -- yes how stupid! -- to decide before knowing the facts' ,A80,'Ability to give wise advise satisfies like a good meal' ,A80,'Death and life are in the power of the tongue' ,A80,'He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord' ,A80,'He who is kind to the poor lends to the lord and he will repay him for his deed' ,A80,'What is desired of a man is loyalty and a poor man is better than a liar' RECORD,X A,60A80 RECORD ,A80,'1-Who played the female lead in ONE MILLION YEARS B.C.?' ,A80,'2-Who was Brian Epstein and what was his profession?' ,A80,'3-What was the last name of the boy in Bobbie Gentry''s ODE TO BILLIE JOE?' ,A80,'4-Where was Robert F. Kennedy slain?' ,A80,'5-Name the building from which Oswald reputedly shot J. F. Kennedy.' ,A80,'6-What beer was advertised as being "beechwood aged"?' ,A80,'7-For what college did O. J. Simpson play?' ,A80,'8-Who won the very first Super Bowl in 1967?' ,A80,'9-Winston Churchill died in 1965 at age ninety-three. True or False?' ,A80,'10-Judy Carne was married to Burt Reynolds. True or False?' ,A80,'11-Who said "I have been to the mountaintop"?' ,A80,'12-How were the three members of THE MOD SQUAD first assembled?' ,A80,'13-On BIG VALLEY, which of Victoria Barkley''s four children was adopted?' ,A80,'14-Who was the first American to "walk" in space?' ,A80,'15-Name the Apollo mission that landed on the moon for the first time.' ,A80,'16-Name the area of the moon where the EAGLE landed.' ,A80,'17-"I''d rather fight than switch" is the slogan of what cigarette brand?' ,A80,'18-"Take a puff--it''s springtime" advertised what cigarette?' ,A80,'19-Complete this song title-- "IT AIN''T ME __". Who sang it?' ,A80,'20-Before becoming a rancher, what did Ben Cartwright do for a living?' ,A80,'21-Who is Priscilla Ann Beaulieu?' ,A80,'22-What is significant about the date November 22, 1963?' ,A80,'23-The Beatles'' debut on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW was Feb 24, 1965. True or False?' ,A80,'24-What color was Mr. Spock''s blood?' ,A80,'25-David McCallum played what character on THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E.?' ,A80,'26-On GOMER PYLE, U.S.M.C., what was Sergeant Carter''s first name?' ,A80,'27-Name Lily Tomlin''s pesky telephone operator character.' ,A80,'28-In what city did the longest newspaper strike in American history occur?' ,A80,'29-In THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES, what were "pot passers"?' ,A80,'30-Ford introduced a car in 1964; 300,000 were sold in four months. Name it.' ,A80,'31-Name the show featuring Larry Tate, Serena, Gladys Kravitz, and Dr. Bombay.' ,A80,'32-Who was Rocky and Bullwinkle''s arch enemy?' ,A80,'33-Name the two well-known residents of Jellystone Park.' ,A80,'34-Identify the product that carried this slogan, "Does she or doesn''t she?"' ,A80,'35-How many people were shipwrecked on GILLIGAN''S ISLAND?' ,A80,'36-Complete the song lyric, "In the jungle, the mightly jungle, the ____."' ,A80,'37-Name the two street gangs in WEST SIDE STORY.' ,A80,'38-Name Senator Kennedy''s female companion killed at Chappaquiddick.' ,A80,'39-Complete this quote, "You don''t have ____ to kick around any more."' ,A80,'40-Name the hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast in 1969 killing 283 people.' ,A80,'41-Who pitched for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1965 and won the World Series?' ,A80,'42-AS THE WORLD TURNS takes place in Henderson, Monticello, or Oakdale?' ,A80,'43-WEST SIDE STORY received an Oscar in 1961. True or False?' ,A80,'44-Who sang the theme song for James Bond''s GOLDFINGER?' ,A80,'45-By unanimous vote, who was elected baseball commissioner for 1969?' ,A80,'46-Name the first black woman to be elected to Congress.' ,A80,'47-BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID featured what popular song?' ,A80,'48-Who played Bonnie and Clyde in the movie with the same name?' ,A80,'49-The creator of James Bond died in 1964. Name the author.' ,A80,'50-As of January 7, 1963, what was the cost of a first-class postage stamp?' ,A80,'51-What is the best selling and most read book of all time?' ,A80,'52-Name the country invaded by Soviet troops on August 20, 1968.' ,A80,'53-What entertainment industry giant died in 1966 of cancer?' ,A80,'54-Who played the mother in A PATCH OF BLUE and won an Oscar?' ,A80,'55-How many books are included in the Old and New Testament?' ,A80,'56-In GET SMART, what was Maxwell Smart''s cover?' ,A80,'57-What replaced the Union Jack on Canada''s national flag?' ,A80,'58-The Baby Ruth candy bar was named after what president''s daughter?' ,A80,'59-What was the name of the Lone Ranger''s horse?' ,A80,'60-What was William Henry Pratt''s, a star of horror films, professional name?' RECORD,X B ,60A80 RECORD EVEN ,D1 TIME ,D6 SAYING ,A80 TERM ,D2 PROC OPEN(8,I,'TT:') XCALL TIME (TIME) IF(TIME(5,6).EQ.0) GOTO FINI EVEN=(TIME(3,4)*10)/2 ;SEE IF MINUTES ARE ODD OR EVEN IF(EVEN.EQ.0) SAYING=A(TIME(5,6)) ;DISPLAY PROVERBS ON EVEN SECONDS IF(EVEN.NE.0) SAYING=B(TIME(5,6)) ;DISPLAY TRIVIA QUESTIONS ON ODD SECONDS DISPLAY(8,27,72,27,74,'GEORGE ',27,89,43,32,SAYING,27,89,46,32,' ') FINI, CLOSE 8 SLEEP 1 ;2 SECONDS TO READ MESSAGE STOP 'EXE:MENU' ;STOP TO MENU PROGRAM