PROGRAM CURP C C This program demonstrates the ability to move the terminals C cursor around the screen at will and read back the present C cursor location. Knowing cursor position can be important C when a program receives information from video forms. This C program must be terminated by a ^C^C sequence. C C Link CURP,TCFL.CSL 83/05/17 C or C CURP,TCFL.MTT and enable the call to GTTRM C disable call to CUP(24,1) C C C Only include this statement if multiterminal support required C C CALL GTTRM C 10 TYPE 100 100 FORMAT(1H ,'NL,NC = ',$) ACCEPT 200,NL,NC 200 FORMAT(2I) CALL CUP(NL,NC) I = KCURP(NLL,NCC) C C "CUP(24,1)" Not useful if run in multi-terminal mode C CALL CUP(24,1) C TYPE 300,I,NLL,NCC 300 FORMAT(1H ,'Return code = ',I2,3X,'Found NL,NC = '2I) GO TO 10 END