;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author: Stephen Cribbs Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Pinawa, Manitoba Canada, R0E1L0 MJCLOK ------ MJCLOK is a Foreground or System job utility that displays current calendar and time values, and user defined messages, on a VT100 RT-11 console terminal in a manner transparent to the Background job. This program demonstrates the feasibility of routing output to the console from Foreground or System jobs through Background job completion routines thus avoiding terminal context switching. MJCLOK has the facility to avoid conflicts with Background jobs that require full use of the video display. Version II differs from the original version in two ways: Terminal flow control commands are used to regulate communication. A single line display option has been added. MJCLOK.DOC 41 12-May-83 - Program description MJCLOK.MAC 37 12-May-83 - MACRO-11 source file MJCLOK.REL 6 12-May-83 - FG runnable version (EIS) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------