.TITLE ERMSG .ENABL LC .IDENT /BL3.2/ ; ; Routine rewritten by J. CLEMENT April 1982 ; ; Error message routine ; ; LOCAL DATA ; ; ERROR MESSAGES ; .psect $TABL,RO,D,LCL,CON .even ERRTAB: .WORD ERR0,ERR1,ERR2,ERR3,ERR4,ERR5,ERR6 .WORD ERR7,ERR8,ERR9,ERR10,ERR11,ERR12 .WORD ERR13,ERR14,ERR15,ERR16,ERR17,ERR18 .WORD ERR19,ERR20,ERR21,ERR22,ERR23,ERR24 .WORD ERR25,ERR26,ERR27,ERR28,ERR29,ERR30 .WORD ERR31,ERR32,ERR33,ERR34,ERR35,ERR36 .WORD ERR37,ERR38,ERR39,ERR40,ERR41,ERR42 .WORD ERR43,ERR44,ERR45,ERR46,ERR47 ERREND: .PSECT TEXT,RO,D,LCL,CON .nlist bin ERR0: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Unknown error message/ ERR1: .ASCII /RNO -- Bad parameters/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Parameter too large/ ERR2: .ASCII /RNO -- Bad parameters/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Parameter too small/ ERR3: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Symbol already defined/ ERR4: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Bad parameters/ ERR5: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Unrecognized command/ ERR6: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Error in formatting equation/ ERR7: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Missing parameter from command/ ERR8: .ASCII /RNO -- Bad parameters/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Param too big or negative/ ERR9: .ASCII /RNO -- Internal error/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Contact your system manager/ ERR10: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Output file error/ ERR11: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Input file error/ ERR12: .ASCII /RNO -- Insufficient dynamic memory/<15><12> .ASCII / -- Reduce either footnote length,/<15><12> .ASCII / -- Number of .DEFINE statements,/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- or .TEXT section length/ ERR13: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Can't indent list element/ ERR14: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Can't reduce margins/ ERR15: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Command string syntax error/ ERR16: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Output file specification error/ ERR17: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Output file open error/ ERR18: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Input file specification error/ ERR19: .ASCII /RNO -- Input file open error/<15><12> .ASCII / -- Input DEVICE:FILE probably doesn't exist, or/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- You lack privelege to use the file/ ERR20: .ASCII /RNO -- Too many nested .REQ/<15><12> .ifdf RT11 .ASCIZ / -- Maximum nesting is 7 levels/ .iff .ASCIZ / -- Maximum nesting is 5 levels/ .endc ERR21: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Illegal command inside footnote/ ERR22: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Illegal command inside note/ ERR23: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Illegal command after .LOCK command/ ERR24: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Illegal command during .TEXT section/ ERR25: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Character is already defined as a flag/ ERR26: .ASCII /RNO -- Illegal character specified as flag/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Only special characters may be flags/ ERR27: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Extraneous characters after legal command/ ERR28: .ASCII /RNO -- Illegal command/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Missing .FOOTNOTE before .END FOOTNOTE/ ERR29: .ASCII /RNO -- Illegal command/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Missing .NOTE before .END NOTE/ ERR30: .ASCII /RNO -- Illegal command/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Missing .LIST before .END LIST/ ERR31: .ASCII /RNO -- Illegal command/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Missing .LITERAL before .END LITERAL/ ERR32: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Too many tabs specified -- Max is 32/ ERR33: .ASCII /RNO -- Permanent footnote error/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Footnote already specified for this page/ ERR34: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Char specified is not special flag/ ERR35: .ASCII /RNO -- Maximum list level exceeded/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- Max level is 6 indented lists/ ERR36: .ASCII /RNO -- Maximum subindex levels exceeded/<15><12> .ASCIZ / -- No more than 6 subindices are allowed/ ERR37: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Illegal command on subpage/ ERR38: .ASCII \RNO -- Switch /UL:n is bad\<15><12> .ASCII \ -- n must be either L(line),B(backspace),\<15><12> .ASCIZ \S(simulate) or N(No)\ ERR39: .ASCII \RNO -- Switch /PS:h:w has bad w\<15><12> .ASCIZ \ -- paper width must be between 15 and 256\ ERR40: .ASCII \RNO -- Switch /PS:h:w has bad v\<15><12> .ASCIZ \ -- paper height must be between 15 and 128\ ERR41: .ASCII \RNO -- Switch /-FF:n has n too big or negative.\<15><12> .ASCIZ \ -- The page length may not exceed 127.\ ERR42: .ASCIZ \RNO -- User requested traceback\ ERR43: .ASCIZ \RNO -- Conflicting command\ ERR44: .ASCIZ \RNO (WARNING) -- Substitution is non-unique\ ERR45: .ASCII \RNO -- IF - too many nestings\<15><12> .ASCIZ \ -- The maximum nesting is 31\ ERR46: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Improperly nested IF,ENDIF, or ELSE/ ERR47: .ASCIZ /RNO -- Permanent footnote too long/ .even .list bin .PSECT $CODE,RO,I,LCL,CON ; ; This entry point also loads error messages from overlay ; ERMSG:: CLC ASL R0 ; Now is table pointer CMP R0,#ERREND-ERRTAB ; Check it BLO 10$ ; Not too big ? CLR R0 ; Output null message 10$: MOV ERRTAB(R0),R0 ; Get address of error message JMP EROUT ; TRANSFER TO REAL OUTPUT ROUTINE .END