.title rnort .ident /V02.00/ .enable gbl .enable lc ; ; This code is designed to replace the RSX/IAS/VMS system dependent ; code required to decode the input command string for the program ; RUNOFF. ; ; Written by : Gary McMillian ; Physics Department ; Rice University ; P. O. Box 1892 ; Houston, Texas 77251 ; .mcall .close,.csigen,.exit,.print .mcall .qset,.settop,.sreset,.wait ; .sbttl Word Definitions ; jsw == 44 ;Job Status Word errbyt == 52 ;SYSCOM EMT error reporting byte doc.ch == 0 ;LUN of 'DOC' file rnt.ch == 1 ;LUN of 'RNT' file rno.ch == 3 ;Starting 'RNO' file LUN .sbttl Storage blocks .vars limit: .limit ;Two word block containing ;lowest address of save image ;first free word above image devspc = . - 2 ;Address of memory area where ;the device handlers are loaded csiopt: .blkw 1 ;Number of options returned by CSI .even .sbttl Text storage .const ; ; CSI option table ; csitab: .word 'G,upcase ;Upper case switch .word 'F,formfd ;Form feed switch .word 'W,wait ;Wait for CR switch .word 'P,page ;Page range switch .word 'C,chaptr ;Chapter range switch .word 'A,appndx ;Appendix range switch .word 'S,pgsize ;Page size switch .ifdf H$$PHN .word 'H,hyph ;Hyphenate control switch .endc .word 'M,warn ;Warning messages switch .word 'R,right ;Right shift output switch .word 'U,undrln ;Underline switch .word 'I,opttab ;RUNOFF Option Table display .word 'X,exit ;Exit program .word 'O,odd ;Odd page switch .word 'E,even ;Even page switch .ifdf $PASS .word '2,passe ;2 Pass switch .endc .word 0 ;End of options flag ; ; RUNOFF Option Table ; .text .nlist bex rnoopt: .ascii <15><12>"filspc.doc,filspc.rnt=filspc.rno[,,,,,filspc.rno]/options"<15><12> .ascii <12><11>"Command String Options"<15><12><12> .ascii <11>"/P:l:h"<11>"Print only pages l to h"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/C:l:h"<11>"Print only chapters l to h"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/A:l:h"<11>"Print only appendices l to h"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/E[:N]"<11>"Print even numbered pages"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/O[:N]"<11>"Print odd numbered pages"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/F"<11>"Print standard ascii formfeed character"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/F:n"<11>"Simulate FF with LF's (n=paper length)"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/G[:N]"<11>"Force output to all uppercase"<15><12> .ifdf H$$PHN .ascii <11>"/H[:N]"<11>"Hyphenate output"<15><12> .endc .ascii <11>"/M[:N]"<11>"Print warning messages"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/R:n"<11>"Right shift output n spaces"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/S:h:w"<11>"Set page size to height,width"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/U:B"<11>"Underline with space-backspace"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/U:L"<11>"Underline with line overprint"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/U:S"<11>"Underline with hyphen on next line"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/U:N"<11>"Underline suppressed"<15><12> .ascii <11>"/W[:N]"<11>"Wait for CR between pages"<15><12> .ifdf $PASS .ascii <11>"/2[:N]"<11>"2 Pass mode"<15><12> .endc .asciz <11>"/X"<11>"Exit program" ; ; RUNOFF introduction ; rnomsg: .asciz "RT-11 RUNOFF Type /I for option information." ; ; Table of Contents header ; tochd: .ascii /.TOC/ .EVEN .list bex .sbttl RUNOFF start .code $start::mov sp,spsav ;Save initial stack pointer .settop #-2. ;Request all available memory mov r0,xtop ;Highest available memory address .print #rnomsg ;Send user a little message return ;Return to RUNOFF .sbttl RUNOFF restart ; ; Initialize file I/O and traceback pointers ; restrt::clr depth ;Set .REQUIRE nesting depth mov lev,r0 ;Get address of 'RNO' descriptor mov #rno.ch,l.lun(r0) ;Initialize LUN of 'RNO' files clr l.blk(r0) ;Initialize current block number mov #rnoend+1,l.chr(r0) ;Initialize current character address clr docblk+l.blk ;Initialize .DOC block number mov docblk+l.beg,docblk+l.chr ;and current character address clr rntblk+l.blk ;Initialize .RNT block number mov rntblk+l.beg,rntblk+l.chr ;and current character address mov #trcbuf+2,trcbuf ;Point trcbuf to current buffer clr @trcbuf ;Initialize current line number ; ; Command String Interpreter ; ; First pass: PASSW bit set in $SWTCH and SW.DIS bit set in $OUTSW ; and CSI interprets terminal input. ; Second pass: PASSW bit set in $SWTCH and SW.DIS bit clear in $OUTSW ; and CSI interprets command string in memory. ; ; .ifdf $pass biteqb #sw.dis,$outsw,1$ ;If not second pass, then 1$ .csigen devspc,#defext,#linbuf ;Interpret command string mov (sp)+,csiopt ;Pop .csigen option count off stack jmp 2$ ;Copy Command String into line buffer .endc ; 1$: clrb $outsw ;Enable output .sreset ;Software reset .ifdf dblbuf .qset #xque,#2 ;Request extra I/O queue elements .endc bic #40000,@#jsw ;Set JSW for all uppercase .csigen devspc,#defext,#0,#linbuf ;Interpret command string mov (sp)+,csiopt ;Pop .csigen option count off stack mov r0,xbot ;Lowest available memory address bis #40000,@#jsw ;Set JSW for lower case input ; ; Initialize Dynamic Memory Buffers ; clr lnkhd ;New linked list of buffers call LNKSET ;Set up new linked list of buffers ; ; Copy Command String to Line Buffer ; 2$: mov #ibuf1,r3 ;Point r3 to input buffer header call clrbf ;clear input buffer mov bf.cad(r3),r2 ;Point r2 to data buffer add #bflnk+1,r2 ;Skip over forward/backward links clr r4 ;Initialize character counter mov #linbuf,r0 ;Point r0 to command line buffer 3$: tsteqb (r0),4$ ;Command line terminated with NULL movb (r0)+,(r2)+ ;Transfer character inc r4 ;Increment character counter br 3$ ;Loop until NULL encountered 4$: movb #CR,(r2)+ ;Carriage return movb #LF,(r2) ;Line feed add #2,r4 ;Adjust character count mov r2,bf.add(r3) ;Enter current character address mov r4,bf.ful(r3) ;Enter number of bytes processed mov r4,bf.max(r3) ;Enter maximum number of bytes clr bf.cnt(r3) ;Enter count of characters remaining ; ; Process CSI switches ; begin: tst csiopt ;Do we have any options? bgt 1$ ;More options jmp setflg ;No more options 1$: mov #csitab,r0 ;Address of CSI option table mov (sp)+,r1 ;Get CSI option from stack dec csiopt ;Decrement option count loop: mov (r0)+,r2 ;Get option from option table beq error ;End of option table, no match cmpneb r1,r2,2$ ;Valid option? jmp @(r0) ;Process option 2$: tst (r0)+ ;Point r0 to address of next option br loop ;Repeat until match or error error: mov #15.,r0 ;Command String Syntax error jmp ILINP ;Output error message ; ; Case Conversion ; upcase: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bis #upcsw,$swtch ;Set uppercase flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bic #upcsw,$swtch ;Clear upper case flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character ; ; Form Feed ; formfd: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bis #ffdsw,$swtch ;Enable form feeds br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: bic #ffdsw,$swtch ;Disable form feeds mov (sp)+,lppg ;Get paper length 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Page Wait ; wait: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bis #pausw,$swtch ;Set page wait flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bic #pausw,$swtch ;Clear page wait flag in swich word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character ; ; Page Range ; page: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. 2$: jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,hghpag ;Save highest page to print mov (sp)+,r1 ;Look for page character again dec csiopt ;Decrement option count cmpneb #'P,r1,2$ ;Test for page character mov (sp)+,lowpag ;Save lowest page to print jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Chapter Range ; chaptr: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. 2$: jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,hghchp ;Save highest chapter to print mov (sp)+,r1 ;Look for chapter character again dec csiopt ;Decrement option count cmpneb #'C,r1,2$ ;Test for chapter character mov (sp)+,lowchp ;Save lowest chapter to print jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Appendix Range ; appndx: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. 2$: jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,hghapn ;Save highest appendix to print mov (sp)+,r1 ;Look for appendix character again dec csiopt ;Decrement option count cmpneb #'A,r1,2$ ;Test for appendix character mov (sp)+,lowapn ;Save lowest appendix to print jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Page Size ; pgsize: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. 2$: jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,prmrg ;Save page width mov (sp)+,r1 ;Look for size character again dec csiopt ;Decrement option count cmpneb #'S,r1,2$ ;Test for size character mov (sp)+,pnlpg ;Save page height jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Hyphenate ; .ifdf H$$PHN hyph: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bis #hypsw,$swtch ;Set hyphenation flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bic #hypsw,$swtch ;Clear hyphenation flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character .endc ; ; Even pages ; even: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bic #evesw,$swtch ;Clear even flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bis #evesw,$swtch ;Set even flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character ; ; Odd pages ; odd: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bic #oddsw,$swtch ;Clear odd flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bis #oddsw,$swtch ;Set odd flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character ; ; Right Shift ; right: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,rigshi ;Get right shift option value jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; Underline Mode ; undrln: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. jmp error ;Should be an option value 1$: mov (sp)+,ulswt ;Get underline option value jmp begin ;Process next option ; ; 2 Pass Mode ; .ifdf $PASS passe: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bis #passw,$swtch ;Set two pass flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bic #passw,$swtch ;Clear two pass flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character .endc ; ; Warning Messages ; warn: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bmi 1$ ;Yes. bic #warsw,$swtch ;Clear warning flag in switch word br 2$ ;Process next option 1$: cmpneb #^RN,(sp)+,3$ ;Test for N character bis #warsw,$swtch ;Set warning flag in switch word 2$: jmp begin ;Process next option 3$: jmp error ;Incorrect switch character ; ; Option Table Display ; opttab: tst r1 ;Is there an option value? bpl 1$ ;No. jmp error ;Should be no option value 1$: .print #rnoopt ;Print RUNOFF option table jmp RUNOFF ;Restart program ; ; Exit program ; exit: .exit ;Exit RUNOFF ; ; Finish Processing Options ; setflg: clr r1 ;Set to clear case shift biteq #upcsw,$swtch,1$ ;Shift to uppercase? mov #401,r1 ;Yes. 1$: mov r1,case ;Set case control flags mov prmrg,rmarg ;Set right margin CLC ;Clear carry ASL LPPG ;Convert to half lines ASL PNLPG ;Convert to half lines mov pnlpg,nlpg ;Set page length movb #'_,$ulch ;Set underline char as underscore cmpne #^RB,ulswt,2$ ;Not backspace mode? clrb $ulmsw ;Set backspace switch br 5$ ;Go to next switch 2$: cmpne #^RS,ulswt,3$ ;Not simulate mode? incb $ulmsw ;Set simulate switch movb #'-,$ulch ;Set underline char as hyphen br 5$ ;Go to next switch 3$: cmpne #^RL,ulswt,4$ ;Overprint mode? comb $ulmsw ;Set overprint switch br 5$ ;Go to next switch 4$: cmpne #^RN,ulswt,5$ ;Disable underlining? comb $unlsw ;Set no underline switch 5$: .ifdf H$$PHN bitne #hypsw,$swtch,6$ ;Hyphenation flag set? .endc movb #-1,$hypsw ;No. Set it permanently off .ifdf $pass 6$: biteq #passw,$swtch,files ;If not 2 pass mode, then files movb $outsw,r2 ;Get current output control switch com r2 ;Reverse output control switch bic #^C,r2 ;Clear all except disable bit movb r2,$outsw ;Save new output control switch .iff 6$: .endc ; ; Determine if .DOC, .RNT, and .RNO files opened ; files: .wait #rno.ch ;Determine if RNO channel open bcc 1$ ;File opened mov #18.,r0 ;Input file specification error jmp ILINP ;Send error message to user 1$: .wait #doc.ch ;Determine if DOC channel open bcc 2$ ;File opened mov #16.,r0 ;Output file specification error jmp ILINP ;Send error message to user 2$: .wait #rnt.ch ;Determine if RNT channel open bcs 3$ ;No Table of Contents clrb $tocsw ;Set TOC enable mov #tochd,r1 ;Output TOC header mov #4.,r2 ;Number of characters output call OUTTOC ;Write characters to .RNT 3$: jmp LGO ;Enter main RUNOFF loop .end