program ROOT c Test program for paper SYMP89 detailing enhanced overlay c handling. This suite shows how to violate the ban on destroying c the overlay retrun paths and still survive. common /table1/x(100),y(100) open(unit=1, name='ROOT1.DAT', type='NEW') type 1000 write (1,1000) 1000 format(x,'SYMP89 Test programs for enhanced overlay handling',/ 1 x,'Start of ROOT1 module') call sub11() type 1010 write (1,1010) 1010 format(x,'End of ROOT1 module') stop end subroutine ohandl(n) integer*2 m m=n !Localise the variable quickly! if( .or. then !Trap invalid values quickly type 1000, m write (1,1000) m 1000 format(/,x,'OHANDL-F-invalid value for N',x,I6) stop elseif(n.eq.1) then !Segment 1 call dum11() elseif(n.eq.2) then !Segment 2 call dum12() elseif(n.eq.3) then ! etc call dum13() elseif(n.eq.4) then call dum21() elseif(n.eq.5) then call dum22() elseif(n.eq.6) then call dum23() endif return end