.title rt11 rt11 header file ; ; Version of 19-Jul-82 ; RSX = 0 ;Assemble for RT11 VMS3.0 = 1 ;Assemble vms release-specific code C$$SXT = 0 ;Assume SXT, SOB instructions ;Note: set C$$SXT = 0 for 11/04, 11/05, ; 11/20 and 11/40 without EIS. C$$EIS = C$$SXT ;Assume inline EIS if C$$SXT. This ; may be overridden at compile time. C$$FLT = 0 ;Assume double precision N$$FIL = 8. ;For the RSX run-time library, ;Default to 8 simultaneously open files. ;Note: change this to allocate block buffers. C$PMTR = 4 ;Locally define C$PMTR and C$AUTO C$AUTO = -6 ;To minimize global symbol references XASCII = 1 ;Extended (8-bit) Ascii .IIF NDF L$$IST .NLIST .IIF NDF L$$IST .DSABL CRF .IIF NDF C$$SXT C$$SXT = 0 ; No SXT, SOB .IIF NDF C$$EIS C$$EIS = 0 ; No EIS .IIF NDF XASCII XASCII = 1 ; Allow extended Ascii .MACRO CALL ARG1,ARG2 .IF B ARG2 JSR PC,ARG1 .IFF JSR ARG1,ARG2 .ENDC .ENDM CALL .MACRO CALLR ARG1 JMP ARG1 .ENDM CALLR .MACRO RETURN ARG1 .IF B ARG1 RTS PC .IFF RTS ARG1 .ENDC .ENDM RETURN ; ; The null branch macro ; .macro .br label .iif ndf label .error label argument needed .iif ne .-label .error label must be the next location .endm .br ; ; The .sob macro is like an sob but does not set condition codes correctly ; since it is a dec/bne when sob isn't available. ; .IF EQ C$$SXT .MACRO .SOB ARG1,ARG2 DEC ARG1 BNE ARG2 .ENDM .SOB .IFF .MACRO .SOB ARG1,ARG2 SOB ARG1,ARG2 .ENDM .SOB .ENDC ; ; This macro defines the crash instruction ; .MACRO CRASH .LIST BPT .NLIST .ENDM CRASH ; ; Check an assumption. Use this macro as follows: ; ; ASSUME ARG1 COND ARG2 ; ; An error will be signalled unless the condition is satisfied. ; COND may be one of: EQ,NE,GT,GE,LT,LE,DF,NDF,B,NB,Z,NZ,G,L, ; but it may not be IDN or DIF. ; .MACRO ASSUME ARG1,COND,ARG2 .IF COND - .IFF .ERROR ;Invalid assumption (ARG1) COND (ARG2) .ENDC .ENDM .ENABL LC, GBL .NLIST CND, BEX .IIF NDF L$$IST .ENABL CRF .IIF NDF L$$IST .LIST