Charex.hlp User instructions for converting FSA files to a single precision floating point numeric APL data file. ******************************************************************************** WRITTEN BY: Sherman Todd, Douglas Bohrer Personnel Department, The First National Bank of Chicago 1 First National Plaza, 22nd floor Chicago, Illinois 60670 DATE: 14-SEP-81 ******************************************************************************** This is the user's guide for the charex program. This guide gives step-by-step instructions and useful hints for operating Charex. The format is to print, in the order in which they might appear, the system prompts to the user and then list what the responses might mean. To start an installed charex program from monitor mode, the user would simply type: RUN CHAREX The system prompts will appear in all capital letters, while comments will be in lower case: 1. INPUT FILE? this requests the name of the input file to be used by charex. simply type out the name of the file in the form: dev:filename.ext. the syntax is checked by the system as it tries to open a file. Therefore, a system error will occur if a bad specification is made. 2. FORMAT SPECIFICATION (DO NOT REPEAT COUNTS) this requests the 'f' and 'x' fields for desired structure of the output file. parentheses must be included. example: (f3.1,3x,f2.0) the output file will have two columns. 3. OUTPUT FILE? this requests the name of the output file to be created by charex. simply type out the name of the file in the form: dev:filename.ext.