FILE--README.1ST INDEX FILE OF PROGRAMS AND SUBROUTINES by Glenn A. Bever. 07-DEC-84 SIG84.DSK Glenn A. Bever NASA Ames/Dryden Flight Research Facility Code OFEM P.O. Box 273 Edwards, CA 93523 805-258-3311 These are a group of utility programs and subroutines that I have found useful. Some of them relate to use with TEKTRONIX development systems and PROLOG prom programmers. 'XDATCH' has been modified by me to allow a complete list of XDn assignments. 'PRH' is a print utility (date/time stamped headers). 'SDIR' searches an RT-11 volume and it's subdevices for specified filenames (this is my favorite utility). Most of these utilities were on the Fall '83 RT-11 SIG tape. 'RTDIR' has been renamed 'SDIR' (Super DIRectory) and updated. New files are 'CADRED', 'CADWRT', 'DEVDMP', 'BIN2AS', 'TSTE', 'LOGIN', 'ICNSOL', 'ISWTCH', 'MTREAD', 'MTWRIT', and a crude 'UCL.SAV'. 'PROTEK', 'PROPDP', and 'PRH' have been improved. Some useful control files are included that compare directories, print directories, backup and restore directories in a format compatible with 'SDIR'. NOTE: YOU MAY HAVE TO RECOMPILE IF SUPPLIED OBJECT MODULES DON'T WORK. MY 'SYSLIB.OBJ' HAS THE FOLLOWING FILES ADDED TO IT: IRAM.OBJ IAND.OBJ IOR.OBJ IXOR.OBJ BNSRCH.FOR PROGRAM to search a file for a specified binary value. BIN2AS.FOR SUBROUTINE to convert binary word to ASCII binary. CADRED.FOR PROGRAM to read a text file from a mag tape written on a VERSATEC (tm) Expert 1000 CAD system. CADWRT.FOR PROGRAM to write an RT-11 text file to a mag tape targeted for a VERSATEC (tm) Expert 1000 CAD system. COMPAR.COM CONTROL file to compare two directories and report the differences. DEVDMP.FOR PROGRAM to dump the 1st 32 bytes of each block of a file or device in ASCII (or '.' if unprintable). Useful in recovering files from a disk with a corrupted directory. DIRBAK.COM CONTROL file to backup RX01, RX02, DSDD, or RL02 disk directories (or subdevice directories) at the end of the disk. Compatible with 'SDIR.SAV'. DIRRES.COM CONTROL file to restore RX01, RX02, DSDD, or RL02 disk directories (or subdevice directories) from files created by 'DIRBAK.COM'. HELP.COM CONTROL file to illustrate procedure for using DEC unsupported program 'SPLIT' to edit the RT-11 HELP file. HEX.FOR SUBROUTINE to convert binary word to 4 digit ASCII hex. IAND.MAC FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to perform logical 'AND' between two integers from a FORTRAN program. ICNSOL.FOR FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to switch RT-11 system console to specified CSR and VECTOR. ISWTCH.MAC SUBROUTINE to complete RT-11 system console switch (called by ICNSOL.FOR). IHEXBN.FOR FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to convert 2 digit ASCII hex to binary word. IOR.MAC FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to perform logical inclusive 'OR' between two integers from a FORTRAN program. IRAM.MAC FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to allow bit rotates and masks from a FORTRAN program. IRVRS.MAC FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to reverse a 16 bit word (swap it end for end). IXOR.MAC FUNCTION SUBROUTINE to perform logical exclusive 'OR' between two integers from a FORTRAN program. LOGIN.FOR PROGRAM to switch RT-11 system console to another port and prompt that terminal to enter a password before it allows that terminal to exit the program in full control of the system. MOD.FOR PROGRAM to modify a word in a file. Similar to PATCH except that it is addressed by BYTE position in file. MTREAD.FOR PROGRAM to read an ASCII mag tape in 80 column card image format. MTWRIT.FOR PROGRAM to write an ASCII mag tape in 80 column card image format. PRH.FOR PROGRAM to print out an ASCII file with a date, time, and file name stamped header. Optional line numbers printed too, as well as optional page breaks, and line number restarts. PRINTA.COM CONTROL file to print out directory in alphabetical order. PRINTO.COM CONTROL file to print out directory in order by position. PROPDP.FOR PROGRAM to upload a buffered PROLOG memory to a PDP-11 RT-11 disk file via an M9118 adapter. Calls IHEXBN. PROTEK.FOR PROGRAM to convert a PROLOG formatted file to a TEKHEX for- matted file. Calls IHEXBN, HEX. SDIR.FOR PROGRAM to search an RT-11 volume for a specified filename (some wildcard support) and all of its subdevices (all files recognized as legal RT-11 subdevices. Subdevices were created using COPY/DEVICE/FILENAM or equivalent. Help switch (/H) is available. TEKPRO.FOR PROGRAM to convert a TEKHEX formatted file to a PROLOG for- matted file. Calls IHEXBN. TSTE.MAC PROGRAM to turn RT-11 system into console emulator. Previous DECUS program that has been enhanced to make filespec for transmission and reception more flexible. UCL.SAV PROGRAM to take all commands not recognized by KMON or not found as 'SY:*.SAV' files and assume that they are 'SY:*.COM' command or control files. XDATCH.FOR PROGRAM to perform utility operations for virtual device driver 'XD.SYS'. This is a modified form of 'XDATCH.FOR' (or 'SDATCH.FOR') written by D. Stagg for the DECUS Fall '81 SIG tape. '/A' switch has been added for full XD0-XD7 file assignment table. Lines ending in '!GB' are the added lines to the DECUS source. Program not needed for RT-11 V5.