.; .; Set up control params .; .ifnot VMS .; Check type of document .ifnot RSX .ifnot IAS .ifnot RT .variant VMS .; Default variant .endif rt .endif ias .endif rsx .endif vms .display title "CHAPTER: " .display subtitle "SECTION: " " - $$DATE" .if hlp .ps 100,72,1,0 .no paging .disable toc .disable indexing .else hlp .PAPER SIZE 61,72,0,0 .enable bar 4,2 .; this adds 7 more to the left margin .DISPLAY CHAPTER RM .layout 0,1 .ifnot TOC .chapter layout 3,1 .endif TOC .DISABLE NUMBERING CHAPTER .DISPLAY NUMBER '- ' ' -' .HEADER SPACING 2 .PFN .lm+5 .rm -2 .s .i-5;-------- footnote -------- .efn .lm.rm .endif hlp .FLAGS SUBINDEX .flags substitute .no autohyphenate '.' .autohyphenate .set paragraph 0,1,2,2 .ifnot TOC .LIST 0 .LIST 0 .DISPLAY ELEMENTS '('LU,')' .LIST 0 .DISPLAY ELEMENTS '('LL,')' .LIST 0 .DISPLAY ELEMENTS RL,'-' .ELS 0 .ELS 0 .ELS 0 .ELS 0 .define subst /$vers/BL5.0 .define command /Q/s.tt 5.i-5; .SAVE CHAPTER .SAVE APPENDIX .SAVE LEVELS .SAVE HEADERS .STYLE CHAPTER 4,2,2 .autosubtitle .enable levels ,1 .; Only header levels 1 to TOC .endif toc