.sbttl ASCII STUFF ; =========== .sbttl Prompts and Listing Text .psect text .nlist bex dfpmt: .ascii /UCL> /<200><0> ;Default .gtlin prompt runcmd: .ascii /RUN / rundev: .blkb 5 huh: .asciz /?/ sydefq: .ascii /Symbol definition? /<200> dspqry: .ascii /Command? /<200> eraqry: .asciz /Erase all symbols/ ersqry: .ascii /Erase symbol /<200> rusure: .ascii /Are you sure? /<200> er1qry: .ascii /Symbol? /<200> listcm: .asciz /Valid commands:/ listp0: .asciz /No "run-by-name" path/ listpm: .asciz /"Run-by-name" path:/ listsm: .asciz /Current symbols:/ listsd: .asciz / Symbols defined/ listse: .asciz / Entries remaining/ listxm: .ascii /CHAIN in effect to /<200> listx0: .asciz /No CHAIN in effect/ listxu: .asciz /Pass-line-to-KMON in effect (UCI_MODE)/ ucnav: .asciz /UC handler not available/ uctxt: .asciz /UC text string:/ ucmty: .asciz // filqry: .ascii /File? /<200> crlf: .byte 0 .sbttl Error Messages, "Warning" muclw: .ascii /?UCL-W-/<200> trswrn: .asciz /Truncating symbol name to 6 characters/ trdwrn: .asciz /Truncating symbol definition to 72 characters/ reswrn: .asciz /Replaced existing symbol/ erawrn: .ascii /Erased symbol /<200> .sbttl Error Messages, "Fatal" muclf: .ascii /?UCL-F-/<200> mbadop: .asciz /Invalid or missing option/ mcnfsw: .asciz /Conflicting switches/ mbad: .ascii /Invalid command /<200> mamb: .ascii /Ambiguous command /<200> mbadsp: .ascii /Invalid DISPLAY argument /<200> synrm: .asciz /Symbol definition table full/ wtfail: .asciz /Output error while updating symbol blocks/ mbadrg: .ascii /Invalid argument /<200> mbadsw: .ascii /Invalid switch /<200> mambsw: .ascii /Ambiguous switch /<200> millfn: .ascii /Illegal file name /<200> mfilnf: .ascii /File not found /<200> mnroom: .ascii /Not enough room for file /<200> mpfilf: .ascii /Protected file already exists /<200> rclerr: .ascii /Read error /<200> strerr: .ascii /Write error /<200> vrerr: .ascii /Wrong version of UCL /<200> er1nfm: .ascii /Symbol not found /<200> er1amm: .ascii /Ambiguous symbol /<200> dmnerr: .asciz /Illegal device/ .list bex .even