THIS COMMENT FILE IS STORED ON FILE.COM STORED ON: FILE.VLI AUTHOR: PAUL MENNEN DATE: 6-NOV-80 This file contains routines for file management (copy, delete, type, rename) These routines may be loaded by: (INPUT FILE) The resources used by loading this file is: Atoms = 221 Lists = 277 RFILE ask the user for a file name in the standard RT11 style (DDD:NNNNNN.EEE) The default device is always DK: and DEFAULT-EXT is the default extention. Three variables are returned (DEV,FNAME,EXT) which will contain the users response in the form of lists of characters .TERPRI output the prompt message .INPUT for readline .FNAME set FNAME to contain input string .32 convert all lower case characters to upper case .MEMQ is a device specified? .DEV No, default to DK .DEV yes, start collecting into DEV all the characters which belong to the device name .UNTIL we are done when semicolon is encountered .FNAME delete the semicolon .L1 L1 contains part of string beginning with "." .L1 is an extention specified? .SETQ no, use the default extention .SETQ yes, EXT is L1 with "." removed .UNTIL strip off extention characters from FNAME .SETQ and put FNAME back into normal order COPYF copy a file to another file .RFILEVLI ask user for source file name .RFILE ask user for destination file name .SINP open input file .INP is the file there? .OUTPUT yes, open output file .COP copy input file to output file and close input .OUTPUT close output file RFILEVLI ask user for file and return name in DEVF, FNAMEF, EXTF DELF delete a file from the directory ASKFILE ask user for file and open the file as input device SINP open file as input device (specified by DEVF,FNAMEF,EXTF) TYPE same as the RT11 monitor command .TYPE .ASKFILE ask user for file to be typed .INP is the file there? .SETQ yes, first initialize END for EOF .1 no spaces between letters .WHERE temporarily assign EOF so that it will increment the END flag when the input file .EOF reaches end of file .ZEROP continue until END is set by EOF .MAPC read and print the next line .TERPRI supply the carriage return, line feed .0 return to normal print status RENAME rename a file - note: this is not a true rename, but is a copy followed by a deletion of the original file SVFILE this routine saves all of the routines on this file (FILE.VLI)