This logical disk contains a number of FORTRAN-callable subroutines for providing various date services. The subroutines were taken from the DECUS Switzerland Newsletter No. 17 / August 1985, and were supplied by Claude Weber. CVTDAT Convert internal RT-11 date format to month, day, and year. DATASC Convert internal RT-11 date format to ASCII dd-mmm-yy format. DATE Get the date and return it in ASCII dd-mmm-yy format. DATE1 Internal routine used by other routines DATE2 Internal routine used by other routines DAYWEK Given the month, day, and year, return the day of the week. GDATE Get the date and return it in internal RT-11 date format. IDATE Get the date and return the month, day, and year. ITIME Get the time and return hour, minute, second, and tick. JDATE Convert month, day, and year to internal RT-11 date format. TODAY Return "day-of-week-name dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss" These routines have been built into the library DATLIB.OBJ.