Page 1 October 24, 1986 README.1ST Table of Contents: New Information for all users . . . . . . . . . . 1 Information for RT-11, Version 4 Users . . . . . 2 Information for RSTS Users . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NEW INFORMATION This tape continues the traditions perfected over the past few SIG tapes. There are no new instructions to users in this file. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Files on this tape have been named in deference to VMS Ver- sion 4 sites who have had trouble with three-character .DSK files. Additionally, the annotated tape directory file TAPE.DIR has been renamed to TAPDIR.TXT to avoid making VMS think it is a subdirectory. This tape continues the Fall, 1985, SIG tape experiment to improve information retrievability. We have included an index and a summary at the end of the file TAPDIR.TXT which references every submission, every author or submitter, and any key words or phrases which might help someone locate a submission. If you find this of use, or have suggestions for improvement, please contact R. W. Barnard with your comments. The XD subdevice files are no longer included on the tape. If anyone needs that capability, previous tapes have the XD stuff, and the section on the following page explains how to recover files from within subdevices without the LD handler. Now that RT-11 Version 5 has the LD (logical disk) handler, files may be easily broken down after they have been copied from the SIG tape. This is done by typing the KMON command MOUNT LDn FILE.DSK. Files within the subdevice FILE.DSK can then be copied. Directory listings are no longer included in the file TAPDIR.TXT. At the end of each submission description, the number of files and their sizes for each subdevice in the submis- sion is given. The sizes of the actual subdevice files (which are generally 8 blocks larger to include the directory), can be determined from the RT-11 directory of the whole tape. Wherever possible, subdevices have been created with only one directory segment to reduce the size. Page 2 RT VERSION 4 INFORMATION If you are using RT-11, Version 4, you will need to use the subdevice handler XD, or any other subdevice handler you may have. There are two ways to pull files from this tape. The tape has been built so that each .DSK subdevice file submission is no larger than a single density floppy. (Certain individual files may be larger than 494 blocks). The first way to pull off a sub- mission is as follows: COPY/DEV/FILE MT:XXXXXX.DSK DX: The above command will transfer the submission XXXXXX.DSK from the magnetic tape and place it on a single-density floppy. The floppy will have a regular RT-11 directory and will be usable as an RT-11 device. Note that if the subdevice file was smaller than 494 blocks, the floppy capacity will also appear to be less than 486 blocks. If you do not have floppies, or you want to take advantage of the virtual-device system, do the following: First of all you need to copy the virtual-device file from the magnetic tape to a working disk using PIP. COPY MT:XXXXXX.DSK DK: Then attach the subdevice handler XD to the file using the pro- gram XDATCH. R XDATCH *XXXXXX=XD0: *^C The virtual-device XD0: is now attached and can be accessed as a disk device using regular RT-11 commands like DIR. DIR XD: will list a directory of the virtual-device. Page 3 RSTS/E USERS The file VIRTUL.BAS on this tape (a submission of E. F. Beadel, SUNY at Oswego, Oswego, NY), will allow subdevice files to be read by RSTS systems. Needless to say, it is not located in a subdevice file. It can be used to break down RT-11 subdev- ice files after they have been copied from tape to disk. There is a description and instruction section at the beginning of the VIRTUL.BAS file. If RSTS users have any trouble or questions about the usage of this file, please direct your questions to Mr. Beadel. David Smith, of Galileo Computer Center, San Francisco, CA, has used and modified the VIRTUL program. He has included a few bug fixes and made it possible to now read multi-segment directo- ries. If users have any questions or problems regarding the new VIRTUL, please contact Mr. Smith.