ABSTRACT: GTSC 306A/307 Clock Support Routines This package consists of a collection of routines which pro- vide some basic support for the calendar clock option on the model 306A real-time clock board for Q-bus PDP-11's manufac- tured by the Grant Technology Division of Data Products Cor- poration. These routines will also work with the model 307 (calendar clock only) board. Included are programs to set and retrieve the date and time, a sample RT-11 device handler for reading the clock registers, and an example pro- gram that utilizes the handler to produce a running date/time display on a VT100. Assembly conditionals are provided to allow support for all of the various clock options. Other conditionals are in- cluded for systems with 50Hz line-time clocks, and for the assembly of the "set date/time" utility as a FORTRAN-callable subroutine. These routines will run under both RT-11 and TSX-Plus. File 306A.DOC contains installation and useage information for all of the components of this package.