! BASPAT.RNO NAB/1738/SNL 25-AUG-80/26-AUG-80. .PAPER SIZE 60,72 .UPPER CASE .LEFT MARGIN 8 .RIGHT MARGIN 64 .CENTER BASIC-11 V2 Patches .CENTER 26 Aug 80 .PARAGRAPH Patching BASIC-11 V4.0 as directed by the "RT-11 Software Dispatch" is accomplished by executing the BASPAT.COM command file. Assignment of logical unit names is performed within BASPAT.COM prior to the calls to the command files which actually perform the patching functions. .BLANK .CENTER *****##CAUTION##***** .BLANK .LEFT MARGIN 16 .RIGHT MARGIN 56 A "cherry" working copy of the BASIC-11 binary distribution is always required when installing these patches. .LEFT MARGIN 8 .RIGHT MARGIN 64 .PARAGRAPH BASPAT.COM calls additional command files whose names match the sequence numbers in the "RT-11 Software Dispatch". For instance, sequence number 35.1.3 will have a command file name of 350103.COM. The list of sequence numbered calls in BASPAT.COM will essentially match the Cumulative Index of the "RT-11 Software Dispatch". .PARAGRAPH The sequence numbered command files then use the MACRO source files and/or the TECO macro files as defined within the "RT-11 Software Dispatch". .PARAGRAPH This particular implementation assumes the availability of three volumes of mass storage: SYS for the booted operating system, DST for the working copy of the BASIC-11 binary distribution and PAT for these patch files and scratch space. The BASIC-11 interpreter(s) on the booted operating system should be updated by the user after all patches have been installed on the working copy of the distribution media. .BLANK 2 .INDENT 16 N.#A.#Bourgeois, Jr. .INDENT 16 Sandia National Laboratories .INDENT 16 Systems Engineering Division 1738 .INDENT 16 P.#O.#Box 5800 .INDENT 16 Albuquerque, NM 87185 .INDENT 16 (505) 844-8088 .BREAK