! RTAPPL.RNO NAB/1738/SNLA 14-OCT-80/15-OCT-80. ! RT-11 APPLICATION TALK FOR DECUS OPERATING SYSTEMS SESSION. .PAPER SIZE 60,72 .UPPER CASE .LEFT MARGIN 8 .RIGHT MARGIN 64 .DATE .NUMBER 0 .FIGURE 8 .CENTER An RT-11 Application .FIGURE 8 .CENTER N.#A.#Bourgeois, Jr. .CENTER Sandia National Laboratories .CENTER Systems Engineering Division 1738 .CENTER P.#O.#Box 5800 .CENTER Albuquerque, NM 87185 .FIGURE 8 .CENTER Abstract .BLANK .PARAGRAPH An application of the RT-11 single-user operating system is described. The application involves the development of real time signal processing algorithms for a dedicated microcomputer system. The hardware included in the seven systems of this application is discussed. Reasons for the selection of and continued use of RT-11 are given. .FIGURE 8 .CENTER 80j15a .PAGE .LEFT MARGIN 16 .RIGHT MARGIN 56 .FIGURE 16 This document is issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation. .BLANK 2 .CENTER Notice .BLANK 2 This document was sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. .BLANK 2 This work was sponsored and funded by: .BLANK .INDENT 4 Headquarters, ESD / OCB / Stop 36 .INDENT 4 Hanscom Air Force Base, MA 01731 .LEFT MARGIN 8 .RIGHT MARGIN 64 .PAGE .FIGURE 4 .CENTER Introduction .BLANK .PARAGRAPH Our groups task at the Sandia National Laboratories is the development of signal processing algorithms for intrusion detection applications. This includes execution both in real time and with recorded data. The ultimate goal is a dedicated microprocessor system for each of these applications. We are using seven PDP-11 family machines as tools to achieve this end. .PARAGRAPH We selected RT-11 [1] for its fast response and its ability to operate on the LSI-11 as well as on the larger PDP-11 machines. We plan to continue using RT-11 and would select it again if we were starting over today. .BLANK 3 .CENTER Hardware .BLANK .PARAGRAPH During the course of this project our tools (PDP-11'S) have grown from one PDP-11/10 and one LSI-11 to one PDP-11/34, one PDP-11/10 and five LSI-11's. We are currently upgrading the PDP-11/34 to a PDP-11/60 and the PDP-11/34 will replace the PDP-11/10. I shall now describe these systems as if our present upgrade program were completed. .PARAGRAPH The two larger machines and three of the LSI-11's are permanently located in our laboratories in Albuquerque. One LSI-11 is configured as a portable system and one LSI-11 is installed in a mobile laboratory. The UNIBUS machines have four RK05's, an RX02 and 128K words of memory. The Q-BUS machines each have an RX02 and 32K words of memory. The PDP-11/34 also has an additional RX02, a line printer, and two nine-track mag tape units. .BLANK 3 .CENTER Utilization .BLANK .PARAGRAPH There is consideral overlap in the utilization of our computer systems. Software development may be and is done to some degree on all machines. Also, all systems are capable of performing data analysis. The LSI-11's are used for data recording and real time playback. .PARAGRAPH PDP-11/60. This system is used primarily for data analysis. It is also used for original algorithm development using recorded data. There are two work stations tied to this system. Each station consists of a VT52 and a Tektronix 4015 with a 4631 hard copy unit. .PARAGRAPH PDP-11/34. This is our primary software development system. Operating system software maintenance is performed here. System software for all PDP-11 family machines is supported from this PDP-11/34. There are four VT100 work stations connected to this system. .PARAGRAPH LSI-11 (Computer room system). The initial testing of real time implementations of both data recording and signal processing algorithms is done on this computer. I try to maintain on this machine at least one each of any device that is on any of the other LSI-11's. .PARAGRAPH LSI-11 (Dual system). Testing of various target microprocessor systems is accomplished in the laboratory with this dual processor system. One CPU is used to control and to deliver one or two channels of recorded data in real time to a target microprocessor system. The second CPU monitors the progress of the system under test. .PARAGRAPH LSI-11 (Portable system). This system is packaged to be airline checkable. It is used for both data acquisition and real time algorithm execution in the field. .PARAGRAPH LSI-11 (Mobile system). A motor home converted into a mobile laboratory houses this system. Its primary function is to control and monitor up to four target microprocessor systems in the field. Data acquisition and real time algorithm execution is also accomplished with this machine. .BLANK 3 .CENTER Software .BLANK .PARAGRAPH RT-11 is the only DEC disk operating system capable of running on all of our PDP-11 family computers. Most of our data rates are handled with ease under RT-11's interrupt protocol. On occasion we must run an interrupt service routine outside of the system, which incidently, RT-11 does permit. .PARAGRAPH A near RT-11 environment is provided on our larger machines with a time sharing executive [2] from another vendor. Thus, we use essentially the syntax of only one operating system on all of our computers while allowing multiple user access to our larger machines. .PARAGRAPH Our real time software is all written in MACRO-11. Other application software is done in FORTRAN and PASCAL with some even in BASIC. Our technique is to develop an algorithm using FORTRAN, then to implement it in MACRO-11 using integer arithmetic. Once this real time code is proven both in the lab and in the field it is translated into the target microprocessor's language. .FOOTNOTE 1 ! FILLS THE PAGE WITH BLANK LINES. ! END OF FOOTNOTE. .LEFT MARGIN 12 .PAGE .FIGURE 4 .CENTER References .BLANK 2 .INDENT -4 1.##"RT-11, Version 4.0 Single-User Operating system", AE-3393M-TC, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA, April 1980. .BLANK .INDENT -4 2.##"General Release Notes for TSX-Plus Version 1.4", S#_&#H Computer Systems, Inc., Nashville, TN. .FOOTNOTE 1 ! FILLS THE PAGE WITH BLANK LINES. ! END OF FOOTNOTE. .BREAK ! END OF FILE.