!CROSS.RNO NAB 09-AUG-79/13-AUG-79 .UPPER CASE .PAPER SIZE 60,72 .TAB STOPS 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64 .LEFT MARGIN 8 .RIGHT MARGIN 64 .DATE .NUMBER .FIGURE 4 .TITLE ########BASIC CROSS REFERENCING PROGRAMS .CENTER BASIC CROSS REFERENCING PROGRAMS .PARAGRAPH Three versions of the BASIC cross referencing programs exist. They are CROSS.BAS, CROSSV.BAS and the three part CROSS0.BAS, CROSS1.BAS and CROSS2.BAS. CROSS.BAS requires the most memory and executes the fastest. CROSSV.BAS puts some arrays out on the system disk to reduce memory requirements at the expense of operating speed. In addition to putting the arrays on the system disk CROSS0.BAS chains to CROSS1.BAS which in turn chains to CROSS2.BAS. This chaining further reduces memory requirements with an additional decrease in operating speed. .PARAGRAPH User interaction with all three versions of the cross referencing program is identical. After issuing the appropriate RUN command the user is asked to enter the input file specification for the BASIC program to be cross referenced. The default input device is DK: and the default extension is .BAS. Then the user is asked to name the output device. LP: is the default output device. If a file structured device is named for output the output file name is the same as that of the input file with an extension of .CRF. .PARAGRAPH The following table shows the memory requirements and the execution times for the three versions of the cross referencing program. The PDP-11/03 had 28K words of MOS memory and an RX01 disk. The PDP-11/10 had 28K words of core memory an an RK05 disk. Both machines were running BASIC-11/RT-11 V02-03O under RT-11 SJ V03B-00C. In all cases CROSS.BAS was the input file and NL: was the output device. A greater difference in execution times between CROSSV and CROSS0/1/2 would have been observed if a file structured device had been named for output. .NOFILL .NOJUSTIFY .BLANK Program Memory 11/03 11/10 .BLANK CROSS 12889 6:56 6:21 CROSSV 7586 15:22 7:13 CROSS0/1/2 * 5374 15:33 7:34 .FOOTNOTE 4 .FILL .JUSTIFY .LEFT MARGIN 12 .RIGHT MARGIN 60 * At this time a bug exists in the BASIC-11 interpreter which causes the COMMON area to become corrupted during the execution of a COMPILED copy of the CROSS1.BAS module. ! END OF FOOTNOTE .PAGE .FILL .JUSTIFY .PARAGRAPH The following table lists the various files and their current versions: .NOFILL .NOJUSTIFY .BLANK File Version .BLANK CROSS.BAS 79H08A CROSSV.BAS 79H09A CROSS0.BAS 79H08A CROSS1.BAS 79H08A CROSS2.BAS 79H08A .BLANK 3 N.#A.#Bourgeois, Jr. / 1736 Sandia Laboratories P.#O.# Box 5800 Albuquerque, NM 87185 .BLANK 2 79H13A .BREAK