This directory contains all the resources needed to install VenturCom Venix on a DEC PRO 350 or 380. Use Venix 1.0 on a PRO 350 and Venix 2.0 on a PRO 380. Your machine should have an RD50, RD51, RD51A, or RD31 disk drive. Venix will not install properly on an RD52 or RD53 drive. contains the VenturCom distribution of Venix 1.0 for the DEC PRO 350. contains the VenturCom distribution of Venix 2.0 for the DEC PRO 380, plus an additional raw tar RX50 with some extra goodies on it (including Kermit). See additional notes below for obtaining a missing part of the goodies tar. Download or to your DOS machine, unpack it with PKUNZIP, then use TELEDISK to make RX50 floppies from the *.TD0 images. There is a copy of TELEDISK.ZIP included in For, download separately. One of the RX50 disks will be a bootable transfer/installation diskette. The others are tar format diskettes which the XFER/Boot diskette will read as it builds your root and usr areas onto the hard drive. You will need the installation code, which can be computed from the 'proacc' program on the venix.tar collection. Note that venix.tar is from a VAX development environment, not from a Venix machine. You should FTP venix.tar to a Unix platform and compile and run proacc as explained below. venix.tar contains the VenturCom algorithm for generating installation codes for Venix 1.0 and 2.0 on the DEC PRO 350 and 380. The source code is in dist/dist/proacc.c and the VAX executable is in dist/dist/proacc The algorithm can be compiled for other platforms as well. If you have no way to compile or run proacc, contact Barry Kort,, and I'll run it for you. You will need to give me the serial numbers that come up when you try to install Venix on your PRO. There are other utilities in venix.tar including some for writing the serial number on the XFER diskette. This algorithm might also be usable to increase the number of permitted logins. The root password on Venix is 'gnomes'. Venix is essentially the same as Bell Labs' System III Unix. It includes UUCP, but there is no support for any TCP/IP. To make a raw copy of an RX50 diskette on Venix: dd < /dev/f0 > /dev/f1 bs=10b count=79 You can use RX50 floppies for raw tar backups. You can create a mountable file system on a floppy with /etc/mkfs -b /dev/f0 790 mount /dev/f0 /f0 It is possible to log in via the serial port if /etc/ttys is edited appropriately. A line is /etc/ttys is "on" if the first digit is a 1. The second digit encodes the baud rate; for 9400, use the digit 1. After editing /etc/ttys, either reboot or do kill -2 1. includes an additional raw tar RX50, v2goodie.td0, which has Kermit and other goodies on it. For Venix 1.0 on the PRO 350, there is a version of Kermit in v1kermit.td0 (which was omitted from the archive). Binaries compiled for the PRO 350 will run on the 380, but generally not vice versa, since the 380 supports a more liberal overlay architecture than the 350. These are earlier versions of Kermit than are found on modern Unix systems, but they get the job done. Further note: a critical Kermit file was missing from v2goodie.td0. The separate goodies.td0 includes the missing file (/usr/lib/ I found that Kermit 4E, as included in goodies.td0 *does* work on Venix 1.0 on the 350, so I recommend using it instead of the older version of Kermit in v1kermit.td0. One final caution: goodies.td0 is a raw tar with ABSOLUTE PATHNAMES. I suggest examining it first with tar tv, because you may not want to overwrite all the original files there. The Goodies include Compress, Man, Head, Printenv, Kermit 4E and some UUCP stuff. RX50.notes is an archive collection of correspondence about reading, formatting, and archiving RX50 diskettes on an AT DOS machine, using various drivers and utilities. is one of the AT DOS driver packages discussed in RX50.notes. contains the RX50DRVR.SYS driver package. You don't need either of these for TELEDISK, but I offer them for those who want them for whatever purpose on their DOS machine. is the Sydex utility for archiving RX50 diskettes for distribution via the Internet. It must be run on a DOS machine with a 5 1/4 HD floppy drive to create the RX50 format floppies from the *.TD0 archive files. Good luck! Post comments to Barry Kort